markdown PHPUnit版本中`TestCase`类中最流行的更改摘要



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown PHPUnit版本中`TestCase`类中最流行的更改摘要相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

## Introduction

The most broadly extended class of [PHPUnit]( is [`\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase`](

As PHPUnit evolved over the years, functionality has been added, deprecated and removed

This document tries to deliver an exhaustive list of which version a specific feature has been added or removed.

The main motivation behind this is make it easier to create test-code that is compattible across various PHPUnit versions.

## Version compatibility

| PHPUnit | Supported Until | Status      | 5.3 | 5.4 | 5.5 | 5.6 | 7.0 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 7.3 | 7.4 |
| ------: | --------------: | :---------: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
|  `v8.0` |            2021 | upcoming    |     |     |     |     |     |     |   ✔ |   ✔ |   ✔ |
|  `v7.2` |            2020 | current     |     |     |     |     |     |   ✔ |   ✔ |   ✔ |     |
|  `v6.5` |            2019 | previous    |     |     |     |     |   ✔ |   ✔ |   ✔ |     |     |
|  `v5.7` |            2018 | unsupported |     |     |     |   ✔ |   ✔ |   ✔ |     |     |     |
|  `v4.8` |            2016 | unsupported |   ✔ |   ✔ |   ✔ |   ✔ |     |     |     |     |     |

## TestCase Changelog

### Classes 

| Class                                                    |       Added | Deprecated | Removed | 
| -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------- | ------- |
| `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase`                             |       `2.0` |        `-` |   `6.0` |
| `PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase`                             | `4.8`/`5.4` |        `-` |     `-` |

### Functions

#### New functions

| Function                                                  |       Added |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `TestCase::assertDirectoryExists`                         |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertDirectoryIsReadable`                     |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertDirectoryIsWritable`                     |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertDirectoryNotExists`                      |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertDirectoryNotIsReadable`                  |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertDirectoryNotIsWritable`                  |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertFileIsReadable`                          |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertFileIsWritable`                          |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertFileNotIsReadable`                       |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertFileNotIsWritable`                       |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertFinite`                                  |       `5.0` |
| `TestCase::assertInfinite`                                |       `5.0` |
| `TestCase::assertIsReadable`                              |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertIsWritable`                              |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertNan`                                     |       `5.0` |
| `TestCase::assertNotIsReadable`                           |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::assertNotIsWritable`                           |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::createConfiguredMock`                          |       `5.6` |
| `TestCase::createMock`                                    |       `5.4` |
| `TestCase::createPartialMock`                             |       `5.5` |
| `TestCase::createTestProxy`                               |       `6.0` |
| `TestCase::expectException`                               |       `5.2` |
| `TestCase::expectExceptionCode`                           |       `5.2` |
| `TestCase::expectExceptionMessage`                        |       `5.2` |
| `TestCase::expectExceptionMessageRegExp`                  |       `5.2` |
| `TestCase::expectExceptionObject`                         |       `6.4` |
| `TestCase::expectNotToPerformAssertions`                  |       `7.2` |
| `TestCase::getExpectedExceptionCode`                      |       `6.0` |
| `TestCase::getExpectedExceptionMessage`                   |       `6.0` |
| `TestCase::registerComparator`                            |       `6.4` |

#### Removed functions

| Function                                                 |       Added | Deprecated | Removed | 
| -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------- | ------- |
| `TestCase::assertNotTag()`                               |       `3.3` |      `4.2` |   `5.0` |
| `TestCase::assertSelectCount()`                          |       `3.3` |      `4.2` |   `5.0` |
| `TestCase::assertSelectEquals()`                         |       `3.3` |      `4.2` |   `5.0` |
| `TestCase::assertSelectRegExp()`                         |       `3.3` |      `4.2` |   `5.0` |
| `TestCase::assertTag()`                                  |       `3.3` |      `4.2` |   `5.0` |
| `TestCase::getMock`                                      |       `3.0` |      `5.4` |   `6.0` |
| `TestCase::getMockObjectGenerator`<sup>(1)</sup>         |       `4.1` |        `-` |   `6.0` |
| `TestCase::getMockWithoutInvokingTheOriginalConstructor` |       `5.0` |      `5.4` |   `6.0` |
| `TestCase::hasPerformedExpectationsOnOutput`             |       `3.6` |      `4.3` |   `6.0` |
| `TestCase::setExpectedException`                         |       `3.2` |      `5.2` |   `6.0` |
| `TestCase::setExpectedExceptionRegExp`                   |       `4.3` |      `5.6` |   `6.0` |

<sup>(1)</sup> Visibility changed from `protected` to `private`

### `@requires` annotation

| Function                                                 |       Added | 
| -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `@requires OS`                                           |       `4.0` |
| Support for extension version                            |       `5.2` |
| Support for comparison operators                         |       `5.3` |
| Support for Composer-style version constraints           |       `6.1` |
| `@requires OSFAMILY`                                     |       `6.3` |

以上是关于markdown PHPUnit版本中`TestCase`类中最流行的更改摘要的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

markdown [观看Phpunit]观看phpunit测试#phpunit #test

markdown 如何在Behat FeatureContext中使用PHPUnit断言

markdown [代码覆盖率Phpunit]安装Xdebug并使用Phpunit运行代码覆盖率#xdebug #phpunit #code #coverage

markdown [漂亮的打印机] Phpunit Pretty Printer安装#phpunit #laravel #prettyprinter #intsall #php

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