# Ruby Exercise: Student Registration
## We need your help. We need you to help us create a student registration application
### Acceptance Criteria:
• Developers should have access to the source code, and be able to collaborate with the code (read: create a GitHub repo)
• Users should have the ability to input Vehicle details (year, make, model) into the application, and list them.
• Users should have the ability to input Customer details (first name, last name, age, city) into the application, and list them.
• Users should be able to rent, or assign Vehicles to Customers
• Users should not be able to rent unavailable vehicles, but a renter CAN rent multiple vehicles
• The application should remember your choices even after it closes
## Steps
* Create a sub folder called "car_rental" in your TTS/Ruby folder
|-- Desktop
| |-- TTS
| | `-- Ruby
| | | `-- car_rental
* Create a file called "main_program.rb" with ```puts "hello" ``` in that folder
* Create a repository on GitHub, and follow the instructions to push your repo up to GitHub
* In your main program, create a menu that displays 4 dummy options, and outputs your selected option
**** Welcome to the Car Rental Application ****
**** Please select from the following menu: ****
**** 1. Option 1
**** 2. Option 2
**** 3. Option 3
**** 4. Option 4
You chose option 3
* Add error checking/validation so that the menu ONLY accepts one of the menu options. If anything else is selected, exit the program.
* Now, put all that into a method called `display_menu` and test.
> Push to GitHub (commit message: "added menu method")
Your code should look something like this:
def display_menu
...code to display menu...
* Next we want to be able to add vehicles to our inventory, and add the menu item, but first we need to build the Vehicle class.
* Build a Vehicle class with attributes: year, make and model. Include methods to access those attributes, and test your class.
> Push to GitHub (commit message: "added Vehicle class")
* Now that we have a Vehicle class, let's build the `add_a_vehicle` method to create instances of the class. Build the method so it asks the user for a year, a make and a model of a car, and creates an instance of that vehicle. Test it.
* Once you can successfully create a vehicle, create an instance array to store the vehicles, and push the new vehicle into it.
* Since we want to be able to put more than one vehicle into inventory, call the `display_menu` method to bring the user back to the menu.
Your code should look *something* like this:
@parking_lot = []
class Vehicle
...class code...
def display_menu
...code to display menu...
def add_a_vehicle
...code to add a vehicle to inventory...
car = Vehicle.new(<all the parameters>)