# PHP CodeSniffer and WordPress Coding Standards
## Install phpcs
Make sure Composer in your path. If typing `phpcs -h` in the terminal is not a reconized command, add the following to your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` (for Oh My ZSH).
`export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"`
You should now be able to run the command `phpcs`.
## Install WordPress Standards
Install following the *standalone* steps, placing the folder in your user.
Run `phpcs --config-set installed_paths Users/your-user-name/WordPress-Coding-Standards/`.
Now to run `phpcs -i` to make sure the coding standards were added. If you do not see any WordPress standards listed, make sure you add the complete path (from the system root) with the `phpcs --config-set installed_paths` command.
## VS Code
Install the [phpcs extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ikappas.phpcs).
Add the following to your user `settings.json`.
`"phpcs.standard": "WordPress-Extra"`
If you are still getting an error add the path to the phpcs under the `"phpcs.executablePath"`. You can get this path by typeing `which phpcs`.