markdown M?JS模式



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown M?JS模式相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

    "main": "lib/index",
    "bin": {
        "mdon~": "index.js",
        "mdon": "index.mjs"
    "scripts": {
        "md~": "lib/index.js",
        "md": "lib/index.mjs"
#!/usr/bin/env node --experimental-modules --no-warnings --

/* Dependencies */
import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; const module = { filename: 'mdon/lib/index.mjs' };

/* Exports */
export { mdon, Package, Compiler, Context, Macro }; export default mdon;

/* Settings */
const defaults = {
    output: true, // false returns output, '.suffix' writes to <name>
    backup: false, safe: true
}, debugging = ['', { parse: true, fragments: false, print: true, output: true }][+false];

/* Imports */
const { assign: define, entries: entriesOf } = Object,
    { readFileSync, existsSync, writeFileSync, renameSync } = fs,
    { resolve, dirname, basename, relative, parse: parsePath, extname } = path;

/* Definitions */
const [READ, PARSE, LINKS] = ['READ', 'PARSE', 'LINKS'].map(Symbol), // Symbol('MDon::Links'),
    matchers = {
        alias: /^[a-z0-9]+(\-[a-z0-9]+)*$/i,
        interpolations: /\$\{\s*(\w+|\w+(\.\w+|\[\s*(\d+|\'.*?\'|\".*?\")\s*\])+)\s*\}/g,
        operations: /\@(\w+)/g,
        properties: /\{\{\s*(\w+|\w+(\.\w+|\[\s*(\d+|\'.*?\'|\".*?\")\s*\])+)\s*\}\}/g,
        fragments: /^(<\?[ \t]*.*?\?>[ \t]*\n(?:(?:.*?\n)*?|)(?:<\?\!)>[ \t]*|<\!--\?[ \t]*.*?\?-->[ \t]*\n(?:(?:.*?\n)*?|)(?:<\!--\?\!)-->[ \t]*)$/m,
        parts: /^(?:(?:<\!--|<)\?[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*\?(?:-->|>)|)([ \t]*\n(?:.*?\n)*?)(?:<\?\!>|<\!--\?\!-->|)$/m,
        shorttags: /^<(\?.*?[^-])>$/mg,
        suffix: /(?:\.\d+|)(\.[a-z][^\.\s\\\/\:]*|)$/i,
        arg: /[\/\\](mdon[\/\\]lib[\/\\]index\.m?js|\.bin[\/\\]mdon\~?)$/,
    errors = {
        alreadySuffixed: (filename, suffix, abort = true, reason = `filename "${filename}" already includes the suffix "${suffix}"`) => define(Error(`MDon compiler cannot process a file if ${reason}.`), { reason, filename, suffix, abort }),
        invalidSuffix: (suffix, abort = true, reason = `suffix "${suffix}" is unsupported`) => define(Error(`The ${reason} — MDon only supports suffixes that start with a "." and do not include spaces, dots or any path-related characters.`), { reason, suffix, abort }),
    datestamp = ['en-US', {
        timeZone: 'GMT', timeZoneName: 'short',
        weekday: 'long', day: 'numeric', month: 'long', year: 'numeric',
        hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit'

/* Helpers */
    VOID = Object.create(null), NOOP = (() => VOID), ANY = type => type !== 'undefined',
    typeguard = (type, value, fallback) => typeof value === type ? value : fallback, // type.includes(typeof value)
    callable = typeguard.bind(null, 'function'),
    object = typeguard.bind(null, 'object'),
    boolean = typeguard.bind(null, 'boolean'),
    string = typeguard.bind(null, 'string'),
    { stdout, argv = [], hrtime } = ANY(typeof process) ? process : VOID,
    columns = stdout && stdout.columns > 0 ? Math.min(stdout.columns, 120) : 80,
    { now = (
        callable(hrtime) && ((t = hrtime()) => t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1000000)
    ) || } = ANY(typeof performance) ? performance : VOID,
    normalizeAlias = value => string(matchers.alias.test(value) && value, '');

/* Prototypes */

/** Low-overhead (less secure) sandbox suitable for evaluating directives. */
function Macro(directive) {
    return Function(
        'context', 'global', 'require', 'process', 'module', 'exports',
        `return ${directive
            .replace(matchers.operations, 'context.$$$1')
            .replace(matchers.interpolations, '${context.$format(context.$1)}')
            .replace(, 'context.$1')
    ), null);

class Base {
    constructor() {
        this.$ = this, this.log = new Proxy(console.log, {
            get: (log, scope) => (log[scope] || (log[scope] = (debugging[scope] ? log : NOOP)))
}; Base.prototype.log = console.log, Base.prototype.warn = console.warn;

class Context extends Base {
    constructor(properties, path) {
        super(); define(this, properties, { path });
        this[LINKS] = {
            refs: {}, aliases: {}, length: 0, toString() {
                const entries = this.length && entriesOf(this.refs), result = [];
                for (let i = 0, n = entries.length; i < n; i++)
                    result.push(`[${entries[i][0]}]: ${entries[i][1]}`);
                return result.length ? result.join('\n') + '\n' : '';
    $format(string) {
        let type = typeof string;
        return type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'boolean' ? `${string}` : `<!-- \`${string}\` -->`
    $resolve(ref) {
        const path = resolve(this.path, `./${ref}`);
        return existsSync(path) && path;
    $alias(ref, prefix = 'link') {
        if (!(ref = string(ref, '').trim())) throw Error(`Cannot create alias from reference: ${arguments[0]}`);
        else if (!(prefix = normalizeAlias(prefix))) throw Error(`Cannot create alias from reference: ${arguments[0]} with prefix: ${arguments[1]}`);
        let alias = this[LINKS].aliases[ref];
        if (!alias) {
            const { [LINKS]: links, [LINKS]: { aliases, refs } } = this;
            refs[alias = aliases[ref] = normalizeAlias(`${prefix}-${++links.length}`)] = ref;
        return alias;
    $ref(alias) {
        if (!(alias = normalizeAlias(alias))) throw Error(`Cannot create reference from alias: ${arguments[0]}`);
        const { [LINKS]: { refs: { [alias]: ref } } } = this;
        if (!string(ref)) throw Error(`Cannot find reference from alias ${arguments[0]}.`);
        return ref;
    $exists(ref) {
        return this.$format(relative(this.path, this.$resolve(ref)));
    $include(ref) {
        const content = this[READ](this.$resolve(ref));
        return matchers.fragments.test(content)
            ? this.$parse(content)
            : this.$format(content)
    $parse(md) {
        return this.$format(this[PARSE](this, md, false));

/** Exposes root, package.json fields, and file operations. */
class Package extends Base {
    constructor(path = '.') {
        const filename = resolve(string(path, '').replace(/[\\\/]package\.json$/i, ''), 'package.json');
        const root = dirname(filename), info = JSON.parse(;
        define(this, {
            root, filename, info, resolve: this.resolve.bind(null, root),
            read:, write: this.write.bind(this)
    read(filename) {
        filename = this.resolve(filename);
        return readFileSync(this.resolve(filename)).toString();
    readUntil(file, until = /[\n\r]/, length = 128, position = 0, contents = '', buffer = new Buffer(length)) {
        if (string(file)) file = fs.openSync(this.resolve(file), 'r');
        fs.readSync(file, buffer, 0, length, position), contents += buffer.toString();
        return until.test(contents)
            ? (fs.closeSync(file), contents.split(until)[0])
            : this.readUntil(file, until, length, position += length, contents, buffer);
    write(filename, contents, { flag = 'w', backup = defaults.backup, ...options } = {}) {
        if (debugging && debugging.output === false) return;
        filename = this.resolve(filename), backup && this.backup(filename);
        return writeFileSync(filename, contents, { flag, ...options });
    backup(filename, i = 0) {
        filename = this.resolve(filename);
        while (existsSync(filename)) filename = `${arguments[0]}.${i++}`;
        return i > 0 ? (fs.renameSync(arguments[0], filename)) : null;
}; Package.prototype.resolve = resolve;

/** Exposes normalize, fragment, parse, format, and print operations. */
class Compiler extends Base {
    constructor() {
        for (const method of ['fragment', 'parse', 'format', 'print']) this[method] = this[method].bind(this);
    fragment(source) {
        const raw = this.normalize(source);
        const fragments = raw.split(matchers.fragments);
        this.log.fragments(fragments); // ['fragments:', ...fragments].join(`\n${'-'.repeat(columns)}\n`), ...pagebreak);
        return fragments;
    normalize(source) {
        if (!string(source, '')) return source;
        const normalize = Compiler.prototype.normalize, {
            all = normalize.all = /(\r\n|\n|\r)/mg,
            extra = normalize.extra = /(\n)(\s*\n)+/gm
        } = normalize;
        return source.replace(all, '\n').replace(extra, '$1$1');
    format({ directive = '!', body, exception }) {
        body = string(body) || '\n';
        if (directive && exception) body += `<!-- \`${(string(exception) || string(exception.message) || 'FAILED!')}\` -->\n`;
        return string(directive) ? `<? ${directive} ?>${body}<?!>` : body;
    parse(context, source, root = true) {
        const fragments = this.fragment(string(source, ''));
        if (!fragments.length || !context) return output;
        const output = [], push = output.push.bind(output);
        for (const fragment of fragments) {
            const [, directive, body,] = || '';
            const parts = { fragment, directive, body, rest };
            if (directive === '!') push('\n');
            else if (!directive) push(fragment)
            else try {
                push(parts.result = this.format({ directive, body: `\n${Macro(directive)(context)}\n` }));
            } catch (exception) {
                push(parts.result = this.format({ directive, exception }));
        if (root) output.push(
            '\n\n<?!?>\n', context[LINKS],
            `\n---\nLast Updated: ${new Date().toLocaleString(...datestamp)}`,
        return this.normalize(output.join(''));
    print(contents, filename) {
        if (!string(contents)) return;
        const pagebreak = '-'.repeat(columns),
            header = string(filename) ? [`FILE  | ${filename}`, `------|${pagebreak.slice(7)}`] : [],
            body = contents.split('\n').map((l, i) => `${`${++i}`.padStart(5, '     ')} | ${l}`);
        this.log.print([pagebreak].concat(header, body, pagebreak).join('\n'));

/* API */
function mdon(pkgpath = '', mdpath = './', outpath = defaults.output) {
    const pkg = new Package(pkgpath), { resolve, read, write, root, info } = pkg;
    const [, suffix] = matchers.suffix.exec(outpath) || '';

    mdpath = { intended: mdpath, path: mdpath = pkg.resolve(string(mdpath)), ...parsePath(mdpath) };
    [, mdpath.suffix] = matchers.suffix.exec( || ''; // console.log(mdpath);

    if (suffix && //  : mdpath.suffix
        throw errors.alreadySuffixed(mdpath.base, mdpath.suffix || suffix); // ((error = ).stack, error);

    const firstLine = pkg.readUntil(mdpath.path, /(?:([\?\@\!])(--)?>)/) || '';
    const [, rawpath] = /(?:<\!--\@)(.*?)$/.exec(firstLine) || '';
    mdpath.resolved = rawpath ? resolve(mdpath.dir, mdpath.raw = rawpath) : mdpath.path;
    outpath = outpath === true ? mdpath.path : suffix ? resolve(mdpath.dir, `${}${suffix}${mdpath.ext}`) : null;

    if (!mdpath.raw && outpath !== mdpath.resolved) mdpath.raw = relative(dirname(outpath), mdpath.resolved);

    const mdin = read(mdpath.resolved);
    const [, yaml = '', md = mdin] = /^(---\n.*?\n---\n|)((?:.*?\n?)*)$/.exec(mdin) || '';

    const { parse, print, log } = new Compiler(), started = now();
    const context = new Context({, [READ]: read, [PARSE]: parse }, root);
    let mdout = (parse(context, md) || '');
    const elapsed = now() - started;

    if ( || mdpath.raw) mdout = mdout.replace(matchers.shorttags, '<!--$1-->');
    mdout = ( ? '' : yaml) + (mdpath.raw ? `<!--@${mdpath.raw}@-->\n${mdout.replace(/^<\!--\@.*?\@-->\n?/mg, '')}` : mdout);
    outpath && write(mdpath.out = outpath, mdout), print(mdout, outpath); // log(`MDon: ${mdpath.path} done in ${elapsed.toFixed(1)} ms`); // console.log({ mdpath, rawpath, outpath });

    return { output: mdout, input: mdin, path: mdpath, elapsed };

/* CLI */

(new class CLI extends Base {
    get args() {
        let i; return this._args = this._args || (i = argv.findIndex(arg => matchers.arg.test(arg))) > -1 && argv.slice(i + 1) || null;
    bootstrap() {
        if (!this.args) return;
        const started = now();
        const { args } = this,
            options = { p: '', m: [], o: null, b: null },
            push = (k, arg) => options[k].push ? options[k].push(arg) : options[k] = arg, // !options[k] || options[k] === true && (options[k] = arg),
            flagLike = /^(-\w|--\w+(\-\w+))/, pathLike = /[\.\\\/]/, fileLike = /\w+\.\w+$/, extLike = /^\.\w+$/;
        for (let i = 0, arg, k = ''; arg = args[i], i < args.length; i++) {
            flagLike.test(arg) ? (
                k = (k = /\w/.exec(arg)[0]) in options ? (k) : '',
                options[k] === null && (options[k] = true)
            ) : k ? (push(k, arg), k === 'm' || (k = ''))
                    : pathLike.test(arg) && (
                        extLike.test(arg) ? options.o = arg
                            : !fileLike.test(arg) ? push('p', resolve(arg))
                                : push('m', resolve(arg))
        } // console.log({ ...options });
        const pkg = string(options.p), out = boolean(options.o, string(options.o, defaults.output));

        if (string(out) && !/^\.[^\.\s\\\/\:]+$/.test(out)) throw errors.invalidSuffix(out).message;

        let processed = 0, skipped = 0, errored = 0, files = options.m.length ? options.m : [undefined];
        for (const file of files) try {
            const started = now(),
                { elapsed: parsing, path: { path: mdpath } } = mdon(pkg, file, out),
                elpased = now() - started;
            this.log(`MDon: [DONE] ${mdpath} — compile ${parsing.toFixed(1)} ms — done ${elpased.toFixed(1)} ms`);
        } catch ({ message, reason = message, filename = file, abort }) {
            this.warn(`MDon: [${abort ? ++skipped && 'SKIPPED' : ++errored && 'FAILED'}] ${filename} — ${reason}`);

        this.log(` ${errored ? '!' : '√'} MDon${extname(module.filename)} processed ${processed} of ${files.length} in ${(now() - started).toFixed(1)} ms`);
#!/usr/bin/env node --

/* Dependencies */
const fs = require('fs'), path = require('path');

/* Exports */
module.exports = mdon;

/* Settings */
const defaults = {
    output: true, // false returns output, '.suffix' writes to <name>
    backup: false, safe: true
}, debugging = ['', { parse: true, fragments: false, print: true, output: true }][+false];

/* Imports */
const { assign: define, entries: entriesOf } = Object,
    { readFileSync, existsSync, writeFileSync, renameSync } = fs,
    { resolve, dirname, basename, relative, parse: parsePath, extname } = path;

/* Definitions */
const [READ, PARSE, LINKS] = ['READ', 'PARSE', 'LINKS'].map(Symbol), // Symbol('MDon::Links'),
    matchers = {
        alias: /^[a-z0-9]+(\-[a-z0-9]+)*$/i,
        interpolations: /\$\{\s*(\w+|\w+(\.\w+|\[\s*(\d+|\'.*?\'|\".*?\")\s*\])+)\s*\}/g,
        operations: /\@(\w+)/g,
        properties: /\{\{\s*(\w+|\w+(\.\w+|\[\s*(\d+|\'.*?\'|\".*?\")\s*\])+)\s*\}\}/g,
        fragments: /^(<\?[ \t]*.*?\?>[ \t]*\n(?:(?:.*?\n)*?|)(?:<\?\!)>[ \t]*|<\!--\?[ \t]*.*?\?-->[ \t]*\n(?:(?:.*?\n)*?|)(?:<\!--\?\!)-->[ \t]*)$/m,
        parts: /^(?:(?:<\!--|<)\?[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*\?(?:-->|>)|)([ \t]*\n(?:.*?\n)*?)(?:<\?\!>|<\!--\?\!-->|)$/m,
        shorttags: /^<(\?.*?[^-])>$/mg,
        suffix: /(?:\.\d+|)(\.[a-z][^\.\s\\\/\:]*|)$/i,
        arg: /[\/\\](mdon[\/\\]lib[\/\\]index\.m?js|\.bin[\/\\]mdon\~?)$/,
    errors = {
        alreadySuffixed: (filename, suffix, abort = true, reason = `filename "${filename}" already includes the suffix "${suffix}"`) => define(Error(`MDon compiler cannot process a file if ${reason}.`), { reason, filename, suffix, abort }),
        invalidSuffix: (suffix, abort = true, reason = `suffix "${suffix}" is unsupported`) => define(Error(`The ${reason} — MDon only supports suffixes that start with a "." and do not include spaces, dots or any path-related characters.`), { reason, suffix, abort }),
    datestamp = ['en-US', {
        timeZone: 'GMT', timeZoneName: 'short',
        weekday: 'long', day: 'numeric', month: 'long', year: 'numeric',
        hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit'

/* Helpers */
    VOID = Object.create(null), NOOP = (() => VOID), ANY = type => type !== 'undefined',
    typeguard = (type, value, fallback) => typeof value === type ? value : fallback, // type.includes(typeof value)
    callable = typeguard.bind(null, 'function'),
    object = typeguard.bind(null, 'object'),
    boolean = typeguard.bind(null, 'boolean'),
    string = typeguard.bind(null, 'string'),
    { stdout, argv = [], hrtime } = ANY(typeof process) ? process : VOID,
    columns = stdout && stdout.columns > 0 ? Math.min(stdout.columns, 120) : 80,
    { now = (
        callable(hrtime) && ((t = hrtime()) => t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1000000)
    ) || } = ANY(typeof performance) ? performance : VOID,
    normalizeAlias = value => string(matchers.alias.test(value) && value, '');

/* Prototypes */

/** Low-overhead (less secure) sandbox suitable for evaluating directives. */
function Macro(directive) {
    return Function(
        'context', 'global', 'require', 'process', 'module', 'exports',
        `return ${directive
            .replace(matchers.operations, 'context.$$$1')
            .replace(matchers.interpolations, '${context.$format(context.$1)}')
            .replace(, 'context.$1')
    ), null);

class Base {
    constructor() {
        this.$ = this, this.log = new Proxy(console.log, {
            get: (log, scope) => (log[scope] || (log[scope] = (debugging[scope] ? log : NOOP)))
}; Base.prototype.log = console.log, Base.prototype.warn = console.warn;

class Context extends Base {
    constructor(properties, path) {
        super(); define(this, properties, { path });
        this[LINKS] = {
            refs: {}, aliases: {}, length: 0, toString() {
                const entries = this.length && entriesOf(this.refs), result = [];
                for (let i = 0, n = entries.length; i < n; i++)
                    result.push(`[${entries[i][0]}]: ${entries[i][1]}`);
                return result.length ? result.join('\n') + '\n' : '';
    $format(string) {
        let type = typeof string;
        return type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'boolean' ? `${string}` : `<!-- \`${string}\` -->`
    $resolve(ref) {
        const path = resolve(this.path, `./${ref}`);
        return existsSync(path) && path;
    $alias(ref, prefix = 'link') {
        if (!(ref = string(ref, '').trim())) throw Error(`Cannot create alias from reference: ${arguments[0]}`);
        else if (!(prefix = normalizeAlias(prefix))) throw Error(`Cannot create alias from reference: ${arguments[0]} with prefix: ${arguments[1]}`);
        let alias = this[LINKS].aliases[ref];
        if (!alias) {
            const { [LINKS]: links, [LINKS]: { aliases, refs } } = this;
            refs[alias = aliases[ref] = normalizeAlias(`${prefix}-${++links.length}`)] = ref;
        return alias;
    $ref(alias) {
        if (!(alias = normalizeAlias(alias))) throw Error(`Cannot create reference from alias: ${arguments[0]}`);
        const { [LINKS]: { refs: { [alias]: ref } } } = this;
        if (!string(ref)) throw Error(`Cannot find reference from alias ${arguments[0]}.`);
        return ref;
    $exists(ref) {
        return this.$format(relative(this.path, this.$resolve(ref)));
    $include(ref) {
        const content = this[READ](this.$resolve(ref));
        return matchers.fragments.test(content)
            ? this.$parse(content)
            : this.$format(content)
    $parse(md) {
        return this.$format(this[PARSE](this, md, false));

/** Exposes root, package.json fields, and file operations. */
class Package extends Base {
    constructor(path = '.') {
        const filename = resolve(string(path, '').replace(/[\\\/]package\.json$/i, ''), 'package.json');
        const root = dirname(filename), info = JSON.parse(;
        define(this, {
            root, filename, info, resolve: this.resolve.bind(null, root),
            read:, write: this.write.bind(this)
    read(filename) {
        filename = this.resolve(filename);
        return readFileSync(this.resolve(filename)).toString();
    readUntil(file, until = /[\n\r]/, length = 128, position = 0, contents = '', buffer = new Buffer(length)) {
        if (string(file)) file = fs.openSync(this.resolve(file), 'r');
        fs.readSync(file, buffer, 0, length, position), contents += buffer.toString();
        return until.test(contents)
            ? (fs.closeSync(file), contents.split(until)[0])
            : this.readUntil(file, until, length, position += length, contents, buffer);
    write(filename, contents, { flag = 'w', backup = defaults.backup, ...options } = {}) {
        if (debugging && debugging.output === false) return;
        filename = this.resolve(filename), backup && this.backup(filename);
        return writeFileSync(filename, contents, { flag, ...options });
    backup(filename, i = 0) {
        filename = this.resolve(filename);
        while (existsSync(filename)) filename = `${arguments[0]}.${i++}`;
        return i > 0 ? (fs.renameSync(arguments[0], filename)) : null;
}; Package.prototype.resolve = resolve;

/** Exposes normalize, fragment, parse, format, and print operations. */
class Compiler extends Base {
    constructor() {
        for (const method of ['fragment', 'parse', 'format', 'print']) this[method] = this[method].bind(this);
    fragment(source) {
        const raw = this.normalize(source);
        const fragments = raw.split(matchers.fragments);
        this.log.fragments(fragments); // ['fragments:', ...fragments].join(`\n${'-'.repeat(columns)}\n`), ...pagebreak);
        return fragments;
    normalize(source) {
        if (!string(source, '')) return source;
        const normalize = Compiler.prototype.normalize, {
            all = normalize.all = /(\r\n|\n|\r)/mg,
            extra = normalize.extra = /(\n)(\s*\n)+/gm
        } = normalize;
        return source.replace(all, '\n').replace(extra, '$1$1');
    format({ directive = '!', body, exception }) {
        body = string(body) || '\n';
        if (directive && exception) body += `<!-- \`${(string(exception) || string(exception.message) || 'FAILED!')}\` -->\n`;
        return string(directive) ? `<? ${directive} ?>${body}<?!>` : body;
    parse(context, source, root = true) {
        const fragments = this.fragment(string(source, ''));
        if (!fragments.length || !context) return output;
        const output = [], push = output.push.bind(output);
        for (const fragment of fragments) {
            const [, directive, body,] = || '';
            const parts = { fragment, directive, body, rest };
            if (directive === '!') push('\n');
            else if (!directive) push(fragment)
            else try {
                push(parts.result = this.format({ directive, body: `\n${Macro(directive)(context)}\n` }));
            } catch (exception) {
                push(parts.result = this.format({ directive, exception }));
        if (root) output.push(
            '\n\n<?!?>\n', context[LINKS],
            `\n---\nLast Updated: ${new Date().toLocaleString(...datestamp)}`,
        return this.normalize(output.join(''));
    print(contents, filename) {
        if (!string(contents)) return;
        const pagebreak = '-'.repeat(columns),
            header = string(filename) ? [`FILE  | ${filename}`, `------|${pagebreak.slice(7)}`] : [],
            body = contents.split('\n').map((l, i) => `${`${++i}`.padStart(5, '     ')} | ${l}`);
        this.log.print([pagebreak].concat(header, body, pagebreak).join('\n'));

/* API */
function mdon(pkgpath = '', mdpath = './', outpath = defaults.output) {
    const pkg = new Package(pkgpath), { resolve, read, write, root, info } = pkg;
    const [, suffix] = matchers.suffix.exec(outpath) || '';

    mdpath = { intended: mdpath, path: mdpath = pkg.resolve(string(mdpath)), ...parsePath(mdpath) };
    [, mdpath.suffix] = matchers.suffix.exec( || ''; // console.log(mdpath);

    if (suffix && //  : mdpath.suffix
        throw errors.alreadySuffixed(mdpath.base, mdpath.suffix || suffix); // ((error = ).stack, error);

    const firstLine = pkg.readUntil(mdpath.path, /(?:([\?\@\!])(--)?>)/) || '';
    const [, rawpath] = /(?:<\!--\@)(.*?)$/.exec(firstLine) || '';
    mdpath.resolved = rawpath ? resolve(mdpath.dir, mdpath.raw = rawpath) : mdpath.path;
    outpath = outpath === true ? mdpath.path : suffix ? resolve(mdpath.dir, `${}${suffix}${mdpath.ext}`) : null;

    if (!mdpath.raw && outpath !== mdpath.resolved) mdpath.raw = relative(dirname(outpath), mdpath.resolved);

    const mdin = read(mdpath.resolved);
    const [, yaml = '', md = mdin] = /^(---\n.*?\n---\n|)((?:.*?\n?)*)$/.exec(mdin) || '';

    const { parse, print, log } = new Compiler(), started = now();
    const context = new Context({, [READ]: read, [PARSE]: parse }, root);
    let mdout = (parse(context, md) || '');
    const elapsed = now() - started;

    if ( || mdpath.raw) mdout = mdout.replace(matchers.shorttags, '<!--$1-->');
    mdout = ( ? '' : yaml) + (mdpath.raw ? `<!--@${mdpath.raw}@-->\n${mdout.replace(/^<\!--\@.*?\@-->\n?/mg, '')}` : mdout);
    outpath && write(mdpath.out = outpath, mdout), print(mdout, outpath); // log(`MDon: ${mdpath.path} done in ${elapsed.toFixed(1)} ms`); // console.log({ mdpath, rawpath, outpath });

    return { output: mdout, input: mdin, path: mdpath, elapsed };

/* CLI */

(new class CLI extends Base {
    get args() {
        let i; return this._args = this._args || (i = argv.findIndex(arg => matchers.arg.test(arg))) > -1 && argv.slice(i + 1) || null;
    bootstrap() {
        if (!this.args) return;
        const started = now();
        const { args } = this,
            options = { p: '', m: [], o: null, b: null },
            push = (k, arg) => options[k].push ? options[k].push(arg) : options[k] = arg, // !options[k] || options[k] === true && (options[k] = arg),
            flagLike = /^(-\w|--\w+(\-\w+))/, pathLike = /[\.\\\/]/, fileLike = /\w+\.\w+$/, extLike = /^\.\w+$/;
        for (let i = 0, arg, k = ''; arg = args[i], i < args.length; i++) {
            flagLike.test(arg) ? (
                k = (k = /\w/.exec(arg)[0]) in options ? (k) : '',
                options[k] === null && (options[k] = true)
            ) : k ? (push(k, arg), k === 'm' || (k = ''))
                    : pathLike.test(arg) && (
                        extLike.test(arg) ? options.o = arg
                            : !fileLike.test(arg) ? push('p', resolve(arg))
                                : push('m', resolve(arg))
        } // console.log({ ...options });
        const pkg = string(options.p), out = boolean(options.o, string(options.o, defaults.output));

        if (string(out) && !/^\.[^\.\s\\\/\:]+$/.test(out)) throw errors.invalidSuffix(out).message;

        let processed = 0, skipped = 0, errored = 0, files = options.m.length ? options.m : [undefined];
        for (const file of files) try {
            const started = now(),
                { elapsed: parsing, path: { path: mdpath } } = mdon(pkg, file, out),
                elpased = now() - started;
            this.log(`MDon: [DONE] ${mdpath} — compile ${parsing.toFixed(1)} ms — done ${elpased.toFixed(1)} ms`);
        } catch ({ message, reason = message, filename = file, abort }) {
            this.warn(`MDon: [${abort ? ++skipped && 'SKIPPED' : ++errored && 'FAILED'}] ${filename} — ${reason}`);

        this.log(` ${errored ? '!' : '√'} MDon${extname(module.filename)} processed ${processed} of ${files.length} in ${(now() - started).toFixed(1)} ms`);
This gist shows a living realworld example of how a complex NodeJS single-file module can be 
written in both JS and MJS with the bulk of the files being identical and imports and exports
hoisted together. This is done to promote consistency by reducing the task of code updates to 
a simple copy/paste between the files if transpilaing is not possible.

以上是关于markdown M?JS模式的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

markdown AMD模块模式JS

markdown CommonJS模块模式JS

markdown JS行为设计模式

markdown JS结构设计模式

markdown JS创意设计模式

markdown JS严格模式