### Complete and commit and push each task below. Parts of the code are shown as hints, the rest as been "redacted"
1) Write a statement which logs 'Hi, my name is Chris and I'm 29 years old' to the console (you can lie about your age).
> Notice the single quote in `... and I'm ...`
console.l..........my name is Chris and I'm 29 ye..........
- Remember to commit and push
2) Wrap the statement in a function called `whoAmI` and call that function
console.l..........my name is Chris and I'm 29 ye..........
- Remember to commit and ...
3) Change the hard coded string into a parameters, `name` and `age`
funct..........(name, age){
console.l..........my name is Chris and I'm 29 ye..........
- Remember to ...
4) Create a variable named `yearOfBirth` and calculate the year based on age (ex 2016 - age).
Then add another `console.log` statement that outputs `I was born in [insert yearOfBirth]`.
funct..........(name, age){
var yearOf..........16 - age;
console.l..........my name is Chris and I'm 29 ye..........
console.log("I was born in " + yearOf.......
- Just do it...
5) Move the year of birth calculation into a new function.
> Do you get an error if the variable and function are both name `yearOfBirth`?
Uncaught TypeError: yearOfBirth is not a function
at whoAmI (<anonymous>:6:21)
at <anonymous>:10:1
function yearOfBirth(age){
function whoAmI(name, age){
var yob = yearOfBirth(age);
- Is it a habit yet?
6) What happens if you enter a negative age? Add a `try/catch`
> Note: a negative age doesn't cause a runtime error but it doesn't make sense.
function yearOfBirth(age){
throw new Error("Age can not be negative");
return 2016 - age;
whoAmI("Chris", -5);
7) Check if `name` and `age` have been entered. Create a conditional which outputs `console.error("Arguments not valid")`.
> Hint: How do you check if a parameter or variable has not been "defined"?
8) What happens if you pass `"29"` as the age? What about `"twenty nine"`? Implement a check to ensure the name is a `string` and the age is a `number`.
> Hint: `typeof age`
> Investigate: What is `NaN`?