In order to securely wipe an NVME drive you can use the `nvme-cli` package that provides the `nvme` command
`nvme` only exists in the root path so you have to use `sudo nvme`.
For Debian you need to add jessie-backports (on jessie) and it may be in the newer version default repos.
For Ubuntu it should be available in the default repos from Xenial onwards, there may be a PPA if you need
it on earlier versions.
You can find your devices with `sudo nvme list` and securely format with `sudo nvme /dev/nvme0n1 --ses=1`.
You can also explicitly add a namespace but I haven't seen or setup a drive with multiple yet.
Soon I'd like to make an extremely tiny netbootable image with Alpine or Debian to boot with
as pulling down the Debian LiveCD and adding the extra repository just to run a couple commands was overkill.