# GPS coordinates of major cities in the world
... to place markers on a map.
This code runs in the browser debugging console.
I parse this page to extract geographical coordibates for major cities:
Just open this page in your browser, launch your debugging console and get ready to copy-paste.
First, define this function, it is a dependency:
function toArray(nl) // Convert NodeList to Array
var arr = [];
for(var i=-1,l=nl.length;++i!==l;arr[i]=nl[i]);
## Stage 1: parse HTML
var C1 = toArray(document.querySelectorAll("table.wikitable tbody tr")).map((tr)=>(
The array assigend to C1 is of type:
"Rabi Island",
"United States"
// etc.
## Stage 2: translate to GPS coordinates
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1140335
function ConvertDMSToDD(degrees, minutes, seconds, direction) {
var dd = parseInt(degrees) + parseInt(minutes)/60 + parseInt(seconds)/(60*60);
if (direction == "S" || direction == "W") {
dd = dd * -1;
} // Don't do anything for N or E
return dd;
var C2 = C1.map(function(city){
var latLong = [city[0],city[1]];
coords = latLong.map(function(l){
var p = l.split(/[^\d\w]+/);
return ConvertDMSToDD(p[0],p[1],0,p[2]);
return ({
"lat/long" : latLong,
"name" : city[2],
"state" : city[3],
"country" :city[4],
"coords" : coords
The result is in C2 and it's an array of objects.
### Google Chrome console: Copy result to clipboard: