[<font color=deeppink>Commonly used words in **source** code (for naming)</font>](http://source-code-wordle.de/)
"**Dashes** are more generally SEO friendly for URLs that people will view in their browser (i.e. web pages).
For downloadable documents using **underscores** probably makes them easier to read in a file explorer." (but affects regex searches)
#### Mõned soovitused:
[CSS naming convention](https://www.thoughtco.com/naming-css-style-sheet-files-3466881)
[What Should I Name My CSS Style Sheet File?](https://blog.toughbyte.com/blabla-9fd86eae4e6c)
In `ideas` folders, to get sorting hierarchically use `mv` for `main view` and `sv` for `sub view`, eg:
`gallery mv item hover` - describes hover on item in gallery main view
`gallery sv` - desribes gallery subview (item or single piece)
`gallery sv.` - another gallery subview (`.` is easier to type than numbers)
`gallery sv..`
`gallery sv tags` - tells to note `tags` in gallery subview
`gallery mv........`