markdown 挑战09:KnexJS与多对多
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 挑战09:KnexJS与多对多相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
# Noteful Challenge - Many-to-Many
In this challenge you will create a `tags` and `notes_tags` table which will setup a many-to-many relationship between notes and tags. You'll also create a new router to perform CRUD operations on the tags, and update the existing notes endpoints to work with tag related data.
## Requirements
## Add `tags` and `notes_tags` table and relationships
To get started, let's update the `.sql` script from the previous challenges. Create a `tags` table and define 2 fields in the schema.
* An `id` as a primary key
* A `name` text field that can not be null (Optionally, make it UNIQUE)
This process is similar to the previous challenge so we won't bore you with sample code.
Next, create a `notes_tags` junction table which, unsurprisingly, references the `notes` and the `tags` tables. We want the entries in this table to be deleted if either the related note or tag is deleted, so add `ON DELETE CASCADE` to field schema.
CREATE TABLE notes_tags (
To adequately test the schemas, you'll need to populate the tables with dummy data. Insert a few tags into the `tags` table and insert several rows into the `notes_tags` table which relate a note to one or more tags.
Check your setup by running queries against your database. Test the database using simple queries against individual tables and complex queries which `JOIN` the tables. Experiment with `INNER JOINS` compared to both `LEFT OUTER JOIN` and `RIGHT OUTER JOIN`. Here's one example to get you started.
SELECT title,, FROM notes
LEFT JOIN folders ON notes.folder_id =
LEFT JOIN notes_tags ON = notes_tags.note_id
LEFT JOIN tags ON notes_tags.tag_id =;
## Create a Tags router file and routes
In `./routes` directory, create a `tags.js` file. And add require statements for `express` and `knex`, and create an instance of `express.router`. Don't forget to wire up the new router in the `server.js` file.
Below is an example using the `'/tags',...` endpoint. Your challenge, is to create the standard 5 CRUD endpoints ( GET all, GET by id, POST, PUT, DELETE ).
/* ========== POST/CREATE ITEM ========== */'/tags', (req, res, next) => {
const { name } = req.body;
/***** Never trust users. Validate input *****/
if (!name) {
const err = new Error('Missing `name` in request body');
err.status = 400;
return next(err);
const newItem = { name };
.returning(['id', 'name'])
.then((results) => {
// Uses Array index solution to get first item in results array
const result = results[0];
.catch(err => next(err));
## Update Notes Endpoints to include tag data
### Add Tags to the Get All Notes and Get Note By Id
#### Get All Notes
Similar to the previous challenge, you need to update the `router.get('/notes',...` endpoint include the related tag data in the results. In this round, you'll add 2 `.leftJoin()` clauses. One to join `notes` with `note_tags` and another to join `notes_tags` with `tags`
folders <=> notes <=> notes_tags <=> tags
Your challenge, add the `.leftJoin()` clauses to the `.select` query in the `router.get('/notes',...` endpoint.
If you test the `localhost:8080/api/notes` endpoint in Postman, you'll notice that notes are repeated for each associated tag. Obviously, this is not what you want. You need to transform the tabular (columns and rows) data into an object with an array of tags. This process is known as hydration.
Create a `/utils/hydrateNotes.js` file. In the file add the following hydrate function and remember to export the module so it can be imported and used elsewhere.
> Don't worry. We'll walk thru the hydration process in detail in class.
function hydrateNotes(input) {
const hydrated = [], lookup = {};
for (let note of input) {
if (!lookup[]) {
lookup[] = note;
lookup[].tags = [];
if (note.tagId && note.tagName) {
id: note.tagId,
name: note.tagName
delete lookup[].tagId;
delete lookup[].tagName;
return hydrated;
In the `notes.js` file, import the hydration module like so
const hydrateNotes = require('../utils/hydrateNotes');
And update the `.then()` in your Get all notes endpoint. Below is sample.
.then(result => {
if (result) {
const hydrated = hydrateNotes(result);
} else {
#### Get All Notes (filter by tag id)
In the Get All Notes router (`router.get('/notes',...`), you need to add the ability to search for notes by tag id. We'll use a querystring to pass the tagId, similar to searching for notes by Folder. The request will look like this `http:/localhost:8080/api/tags?tagId=123`.
In your route handler:
* Capture the `tagId` from the querystring (similar to `folderId` solution)
* Add a `.modify()` condition along with a subquery to get the list of IDs.
Below is sample `.modify()` clause along with the subquery
.modify(function (queryBuilder) {
if (tagId) {
queryBuilder.where('tag_id', tagId);
#### Get Notes By Id
Your Turn!
Implement the same process for the GET notes by id endpoint. It will require the `.leftJoin()`'s as well as the hydrate process. But it does **not** need the conditional `.modify()` clauses to filter by searchTerm, folderId or tagId.
### Add Tags to the create a new Note and update a Note endpoints
#### Add Tags to the create endpoint
Adding tags to the create endpoint involves some additional hurdles. In order to insert into the `notes_tags` table you need the note Id, which means you need to insert the note first to get back an Id. And then insert the `notes_tags`. This involves chaining promises. Below is an outline of the process.
Insert new note into notes table
Insert related tags into notes_tags table
Select the new note and leftJoin on folders and tags
if the result exists
hydrate the results
and Respond with a location header, a 201 status and a note object
trigger a 404
The incoming request to create a new note will have a `tags` property with an array of ids like the following sample:
"title": "5 life lessons learned...",
"content": "Lorem ipsum dolorums...",
"folder_id": 101,
"tags":[34, 56, 78]
Below is the complete query.
let noteId;
// Insert new note into notes table
.then(([id]) => {
// Insert related tags into notes_tags table
noteId = id;
const tagsInsert = => ({ note_id: noteId, tag_id: tagId }));
return knex.insert(tagsInsert).into('notes_tags');
.then(() => {
// Select the new note and leftJoin on folders and tags
return'', 'title', 'content',
' as folder_id', ' as folderName',
' as tagId', ' as tagName')
.leftJoin('folders', 'notes.folder_id', '')
.leftJoin('notes_tags', '', 'notes_tags.note_id')
.leftJoin('tags', '', 'notes_tags.tag_id')
.where('', noteId);
.then(result => {
if (result) {
// Hydrate the results
const hydrated = hydrateNotes(result)[0];
// Respond with a location header, a 201 status and a note object
} else {
.catch(err => next(err));
Let's review the "Insert related tags into notes_tags table" section.
The `.map()` converts an array of tagIds like `[34, 56, 78]` in to an array of objects with a `note_id` and a `tag_id`. And then inserts them into the `notes_tags` table
Try it out. Copy the following into a scratch file and run it. Experiment with the code to make sure you understand it before proceeding.
const noteId = 99;
const result = [34, 56, 78].map(tagId => ({ note_id: noteId, tag_id: tagId }));
console.log(`insert: ${result} into notes_tags`);
#### Add Tags to the notes update endpoint
The update process is similar to the create/insert endpoint above, with one additional hurdle. The `notes_tags` table already contains related tags. The simplest way to solve the problem is to first delete the existing `notes_tags` rows for the given noteId. And then reinsert them, thus ensuring the new relations are added, the removed relations are deleted and the modified relations are updated. Below is an outline of the process.
Update note in notes table
Delete current related tags from notes_tags table
Insert related tags into notes_tags table
Select the new note and leftJoin on folders and tags
if the result exists
hydrate the results
and respond with a 200 status and a note object
trigger a 404
Your challenge is to modify the update notes endpoint (`router.put('/notes/:id',...`). Use the create/insert endpoint provided above as a guide.
Test the endpoints thoroughly using Postman. You should test all 15 endpoints:
* Folders
* Get (read) all
* Get (read) by id
* Post (create)
* Put (update)
* Delete
* Tags
* Get (read) all
* Get (read) by id
* Post (create)
* Put (update)
* Delete
* Notes:
* Get (read) all
* Get (read) by id
* Post (create)
* Put (update)
* Delete
## Enable the client-side features
There are several features in the client-side code which have been disable. Let's enable the folder related features.
In `index.js`, uncomment the API search that calls `/api/folders`.
.then(response => {
store.folders = response;
In `noteful.js`, find the section titled "TAGS EVENT LISTENERS AND HANDLERS". There are 3 functions in the section: `handleTagClick()`, `handleNewTagSubmit()` and `handleTagDeleteClick()`. Uncomment the `app.METHOD` calls and remove the `console.log('... coming soon');` statements.
### The `handleTagClick()`
Adds an event listener that responds to clicking a tag in the list. This function is very similar to `handleNoteItemClick()`.
### The `handleNewTagSubmit()`
Listens for the new tag submit. It captures the user input and pass it to the correct `api.create` method. When the request returns it chains an `` request which will update the notes list.
### The `handleTagDeleteClick()`
Listens a click to the delete ("X") button. If successful, it makes a second call to get a fresh list of folders and renders the app.
All 3 functions are invoked in `bindEventListeners()` which called on Document Ready.
以上是关于markdown 挑战09:KnexJS与多对多的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Laravel 5:如何更新与多对多相关的项目(删除+添加)