markdown 交易迁移 - 分析片



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 交易迁移 - 分析片相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

UI based scenarios and the transactions they make

- New enrolment
- Manually applied Enrolment Fee (i.e. fees)
- Manually applied refunds
- Manually applied credits
- Disenrolments
- Direct Debit run credits

- Set to success if latest Charge (i.e. first element of charge array) is successful


New enrolment
- Enrolment charge tx is created with
  - *enrolmentId* is populated
  - *refundTransactionId* is false
  - *isDebit* is true
  - a *description* of the format "Enrolment into <term.code> <course.code> (<student.full_name>)"
- Enrolment Fee charge tx is created with
  - *enrolmentId* is populated
  - *studentId* is populated
  - a *description* of the format "Enrolment Fee (<student.full_name>)"

以上是关于markdown 交易迁移 - 分析片的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

当还涉及迁移时,如何使用 django 进行同步数据库


markdown 迁移模块 - 迁移CSV

markdown zenbot交易者设置

markdown 如何通过交易获得所有区块? (返回块号)

重磅|微信公众号交易已有官方流程 附帐号迁移流程指引