markdown PHP视频网址解析器



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown PHP视频网址解析器相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


 * Video Url Parser
 * Parses URLs from major cloud video providers. Capable of returning
 * keys from various video embed and link urls to manipulate and
 * access videos in various ways.
class VideoUrlParser
     * Determines which cloud video provider is being used based on the passed url.
     * @param string $url The url
     * @return null|string Null on failure to match, the service's name on success
    public static function identify_service($url)
        if (preg_match('%(?:https?:)?//(?:(?:www|m)\.)?(youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com|youtu\.be)\/%i', $url)) {
            return 'youtube';
        } elseif (preg_match('%(?:https?:)?//(?:[a-z]+\.)*vimeo\.com\/%i', $url)) {
            return 'vimeo';
        return null;

     * Determines which cloud video provider is being used based on the passed url,
     * and extracts the video id from the url.
     * @param string $url The url
     * @return null|string Null on failure, the video's id on success
    public static function get_url_id($url)
        $service = self::identify_service($url);

        if ($service == 'youtube') {
            return self::get_youtube_id($url);
        } elseif ($service == 'vimeo') {
            return self::get_vimeo_id($url);
        return null;

     * Determines which cloud video provider is being used based on the passed url,
     * extracts the video id from the url, and builds an embed url.
     * @param string $url The url
     * @return null|string Null on failure, the video's embed url on success
    public static function get_url_embed($url, $autoplay = 0)
        $service = self::identify_service($url);

        $id = self::get_url_id($url);

        if ($service == 'youtube') {
            return self::get_youtube_embed($id, $autoplay);
        } elseif ($service == 'vimeo') {
            return self::get_vimeo_embed($id, $autoplay);
        return null;

     * Parses various youtube urls and returns video identifier.
     * @param string $url The url
     * @return string the url's id
    public static function get_youtube_id($url)
        $youtube_url_keys = array('v', 'vi');

        // Try to get ID from url parameters
        $key_from_params = self::parse_url_for_params($url, $youtube_url_keys);
        if ($key_from_params) return $key_from_params;

        // Try to get ID from last portion of url
        return self::parse_url_for_last_element($url);

     * Builds a Youtube embed url from a video id.
     * @param string $youtube_video_id The video's id
     * @return string the embed url
    public static function get_youtube_embed($youtube_video_id, $autoplay = 0)
        $embed = "$youtube_video_id?autoplay=$autoplay";

        return $embed;

     * Parses various vimeo urls and returns video identifier.
     * @param string $url The url
     * @return string The url's id
    public static function get_vimeo_id($url)
        // Try to get ID from last portion of url
        return self::parse_url_for_last_element($url);

     * Builds a Vimeo embed url from a video id.
     * @param string $vimeo_video_id The video's id
     * @return string the embed url
    public static function get_vimeo_embed($vimeo_video_id, $autoplay = 1)
        $embed = "$vimeo_video_id?byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;autoplay=$autoplay";

        return $embed;

     * Find the first matching parameter value in a url from the passed params array.
     * @access private
     * @param string $url The url
     * @param array $target_params Any parameter keys that may contain the id
     * @return null|string Null on failure to match a target param, the url's id on success
    private static function parse_url_for_params($url, $target_params)
        parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $my_array_of_params);
        foreach ($target_params as $target) {
            if (array_key_exists($target, $my_array_of_params)) {
                return $my_array_of_params[$target];
        return null;

     * Find the last element in a url, without any trailing parameters
     * @access private
     * @param string $url The url
     * @return string The last element of the url
    private static function parse_url_for_last_element($url)
        $url_parts = explode("/", $url);
        $prospect = end($url_parts);
        $prospect_and_params = preg_split("/(\?|\=|\&)/", $prospect);
        if ($prospect_and_params) {
            return $prospect_and_params[0];
        } else {
            return $prospect;
        return $url;
Youtube/Vimeo Video Url Parser

Parses URLs from major cloud video providers. Capable of extracting keys from various video embed and link urls to manipulate and access videos in various ways.

// returns string "youtube"

// returns string "x_8kFbZf20I"

// returns string ""


- Vimeo
- Youtube

以上是关于markdown PHP视频网址解析器的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

php 中的 Youtube 视频下载器失败 - 禁止




python stream.cz视频网址抓取器
