markdown git命令#git #commands
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown git命令#git #commands相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
initialize git depository in the current directory
git init .
display the git remote/origin
cat .git/config
display gitconfig
cat .gitconfig
display where the HEAD is pointing
cat .git/HEAD
git configuration
git config --global "user name"
git config --global ""
git config --global core.editor "vim"
display git configuration
git config --list
git config
git config core.editor
List all aliases
git config --get-regexp alias
setup line ending preferences
git config --global core.autocrlf input
git config --global core.safecrlf true
git config --global core.autocrlf true
git config --global core.safecrlf true
combine the last 2 commits into 1
git rebase -i HEAD~2
push a specific branch to github “origin" is the remote, “feature” is the branch
git push origin feature-branch
add URL to remote Git repository
git remote add upstream
Change the URI (URL) for a remote Git repository
git remote set-url origin git://
files to ignore tracking
an empty directory needs a file for git to keep track, convention way is to create a ".gitkeep" file
show commit log
git log
show last 3 commits
git log -3
Show the working tree status
git status
add all changes to staging
git add .
add specific file to staging
git add file_name
move/rename the file name and make changes to the stage index
git mv file_name dir/file_name
add comment to commit
git commit -m "modification note"
add and commit all files at the same time
git commit -am "modification note"
drop file and replace with version in previous commit
git checkout file_name
show difference in modified files yet "added" to staging
git diff
show difference in modified files in staging
git diff --staged
git diff --cached
show difference files changed between two commits
git diff --name-only SHA1 SHA2
git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD^
un-stage the added file from staging
git reset HEAD file_name
combine staged changes with the previous commit
git --amend
grab file at a specific hash/SHA commit
git checkout hash9834ef2 —- dir/file_name
revert the specific hash/SHA commit
git revert hash82ej23
soft/mixed/hard resets have different reset results
git reset --soft/mixed/hard SHA
forcefully push to repository
git push <reponame> -f
removes untracked files from your working directory (can’t undo)
git clean -n
reflag allows you to go back to changesets even though they are not referenced by any branch or tag
git reflog
removing the file tracking from the staging index
git rm --cached file_name
Shows one or more objects (blobs, trees, tags and commits)
git show
git show SHA
git show HEAD
one commit before the current HEAD (all are equivalent)
HEAD^, 8c22db944^, Head~1, HEAD~
two commit before the current HEAD (all are equivalent)
HEAD^^^, Head~3
Lists the contents of a given tree object
git ls-tree HEAD
git ls-tree branch-name
git log display & filter options
git log --oneline
git log --format=oneline
git log --format=oneline HEAD`3
git log --format=short, medium, full, fuller, email, raw
git log --graph (show you the trees of commits in graph)
git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
git log --since="2012-06-20"
git log --before="2012-12-12"
git log --since=2.weeks --until=3.days
git log --author="scott"
git log --grpe="temp" (grab all commit msg that has the word "temp" in it)
git log 812yfs..09jfe (grab log between two commit ranges)
git log o87423..index.html (grab all changes in the "index" file since a commit)
git log -p o87423..index.html (grab all changes in the "index" file since a commit)
git log --status --summary
returns all the difference between that commit and current directory
git diff 02er2 index.html
shows difference between two point of commits in time
git diff 8n9ufe..09faes
show difference between one commit and current HEAD)
git diff o8yfo3..HEAD
git diff --stat --summary 821li..HEAD
ignore changes in white spaces
git diff -b
ignore changes in ALL spaces
git diff -w
compare master branch and new_branch_name
git diff master..new_branch_name
show in one line in color compare master branch and new_branch_name
git diff --color-words master..new_branch_name
compare masters from remote to local
git diff --oneline origin/master..master
to see which branch you're working on
git branch
creating a branch name new_branch_name
git branch new_branch_name
to switch the head to a branch named new-branch_name
git checkout new_branch_name
create and switch to a new branch named new_branch_name
git checkout -b new_branch_name
show the branch that has all merged commit under a branch
git branch --merged
renaming branch name from new_branch_name to specific_branch_name
git branch -m new_branch_name specific_branch_name
delete branch named delete_branch_name
git branch -d delete_branch_name
show you branch on remote depository
git branch -r
show you branches on both remote depository and local depository
git branch -a
you want to be on the branch you want merged 'master', then merging branch_name into master
git merge branch_name
show logs in oneliners
git log branch_name --oneline -5
merge with no fastforward
git merge --no-ff_branch
merge with only fastforward, if not possible, abort)
git merge --ff-only_branch
show all branches in graphical representation
git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate
saving changes without commiting
git stash save "saved stash description"
show a list in the stash
git stash list
get the stash by calling that number
git stash show -p stash@{1}
pull from the stash and apply to the working directory, leaving a copy
git stash apply
pull from the stash and apply to the working directory, removing copy from stash
git stash pop
deleting the specific item in stash
git stash drop stash@{1}
clearing everything in stash
git stash clear
push up 'master' branch to remote depository
git push -u origin master
always fetch before you work and push
git fetch
log on remote depository
git log --oneline -5 origin/master
git pull = git fetch + git merge
git pull
creating a branch off remote and tracking
git checkout -b file_name origin/file_name
deletes the file_name off from remote depository
git push origin --delete file_name
force the local changes to remote (shouldn't do this)
git push origin --force
setup shortcuts for certain command
git config --global alias.shortcutname "command"
creating shortcut call logg and show all the options in ""
git config --global alias.logg "logg --graphic --decorate --oneline --abbrev-commit --all"
以上是关于markdown git命令#git #commands的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
markdown 使用`git flow`命令与raw`git`命令的比较。