## Install Symphony
Install Symphony with homewbrew:
brew tap coin-or-tools/coinor
brew install symphony
Install `pkg-config`, a tool for querying installed libraries for when compiling software source code. Not sure if this is strictly necessary, but pkg-config is used in the configuration script for Rsymphony:
brew install pkg-config
And install `gfortran`if not installed.
## Installe RSymphony
First grab and unpack the source:
wget https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/Rsymphony_0.1-28.tar.gz
tar -xzvf Rsymphony_0.1-28.tar.gz
Edit `Rsymphony/configure` and comment out the test for finding SYMPHONY libraries and headers, which is broken (not sure yet how to fix it):
#if test ${status} -ne 0; then
# echo "Cannot find SYMPHONY libraries and headers."
# echo "See <https://projects.coin-or.org/SYMPHONY>."
# exit 1
Next edit `Rsymphony/src/R_symphony.cc` and change
#include <coin/symphony.h>
#include <symphony.h>
Finally, run
r CMD install Rsymphony