### BS Forms
* Basic form:
<!-- Each child div should contain class="form-group"-->
<div class="form-group">
<label for="idOfElement"> </label>
<!-- Each input should contain a class="form-control"-->
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="" placeholder="some text" />
* Add `.inline-form` to your form, to make your form span horizontally across the page
* Always add labels!! To hide the label, add `.sr-only`
* **Inputs** include: `text`, `password`, `datetime`, `date`, `month`, `time`, `week`,
`number`, `email`,` url`, `search`, `tel` and `color`.
* Elements that can have the `.form-control` are: **input**, **textarea**, **select**, ...
* You can change the height of the element by using `.input-lg`, `.input-sm`
* To save code: apply `.form-group-lg` to make label and element scale large, instead of applying
it to the elements individually!