markdown 我在网上工作的首选资源。
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 我在网上工作的首选资源。相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
<summary>Table of contents</summary>
- [General resources](#general-resources)
- [CSS](#css)
- [CSS-in-JS](#css-in-js)
- [JavaScript](#javascript)
- [Framework agnostic packages](#framework-agnostic-packages)
- [General utilities](#general-utilities)
- [Async](#async)
- [Node](#node)
- [Responsive](#responsive)
- [Media and Images](#media-and-images)
- [Date](#date)
- [Scrolling](#scrolling)
- [Carousels](#carousels)
- [Web workers](#web-workers)
- [Immutable](#immutable)
- [Typography](#typography)
- [Polyfills](#polyfills)
- [React](#react)
- [React-specific libs:](#react-specific-libs)
- [State management](#state-management)
- [Server-rendered React](#server-rendered-react)
- [Static site generators](#static-site-generators)
- [Microservices/Serverless](#microservices-serverless)
- [Code bundlers](#code-bundlers)
- [Design Systems](#design-systems)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Progressive Web Apps](#progressive-web-apps)
- [Code Sandboxes](#code-sandboxes)
- [APIs](#apis)
- [HTML](#html)
- [SVG](#svg)
- [Conversions and unicode](#conversions-and-unicode)
- [Tooling](#tooling)
- [Package management and publishing](#package-management-and-publishing)
- [Commit hooks](#commit-hooks)
- [Code formatting and linting](#code-formatting-and-linting)
- [Features and feature detection](#features-and-feature-detection)
- [Performance](#performance)
- [Performance testing and monitoring](#performance-testing-and-monitoring)
- [Accessibility (A11y)](#accessibility-a11y)
- [A11y tools and resources:](#a11y-tools-and-resources)
- [A11y Chrome extensions](#a11y-chrome-extensions)
- [A11y Sketch plugins](#a11y-sketch-plugins)
- [DevOps](#devops)
- [Continuous integration](#continuous-integration)
- [Hosting](#hosting)
- [Domains](#domains)
- [Design](#design)
- [Typography](#typography)
- [Programming fonts](#programming-fonts)
- [Responsive](#responsive)
- [Inspiration](#inspiration)
- [Learning](#learning)
- [SEO](#seo)
- [Animation](#animation)
- [Regular expressions](#regular-expressions)
# General resources
- []( - Fast, offline, and free documentation browser for developers. Search 100+ docs in one web app: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Go, C, C++…
- [DevHints]( - cheatsheets for many web technologies
- [Carbon](<,%20184,%20195,%201)&t=seti&l=auto&ds=true&wc=true&wa=true&pv=32px&ph=32px&ln=false>) - use this to share images of your code in presentations etc
- []( -  to your documentation/readmes
- [JSON generator]( - generate a lot of custom JSON for your app/site
- [JSON Editor Online]( - view/edit JSON in a better format
- [CSS Tricks "Complete Guide to Flexbox"](
- [CSS Tricks "Complete Guide to Grid"](
- [Cubic bezier curve creator](,.67,.83,.67)
- [Ceaser]( - Cubic bezier curve generator
- [CSS Triggers]( - find out what CSS properties trigger Paint/Layout/Composite renders
- [Fluid-responsive font-size calculator]( - To scale typography smoothly across viewport widths.
- [Browserhacks]( - Browserhacks is an extensive list of browser specific CSS and JavaScript hacks from all over the interwebs
- [Absolute centering]( - useful techniques for absolute centering in CSS
## CSS-in-JS
- [Emotion]( - CSS-in-JS library
- [styled-components]( - CSS-in-JS for React
- `yarn add styled-components` / `npm i -S styled-components`
- [design-system-utils]( - Design system framework for modern front-end projects
- `yarn add design-system-utils` / `npm i -S design-system-utils`
- [polished]( - A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript
- [styled-by]( Simple and powerful lib to handle styled props in your components
# JavaScript
Use [Bundlephobia]( to see the cost of any npm packages
Use [Snyk]( to find any security vulnerabilities for any npm package. Search their database here: `{package}` e.g.
## Useful JS links
- [JS module import/export syntax](
## Framework agnostic packages
### General utilities
- [Lodash]( - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.
- `yarn add lodash` / `npm i -S lodash`
- [Just]( - A library of dependency-free utilities that do just do one thing (like Lodash but smaller)
- Install each util independently
- Read the [tradeoffs document]( to see if Lodash is better
- [auto-bind]( - Automatically bind methods to their class instance
- `yarn add auto-bind` / `npm i -S auto-bind`
- [object-get]( - Access nested property values at any depth with a simple expression
- `yarn add object-get` / `npm i -S object-get`
- [liteready]( - A lightweight DOM ready.
- `yarn add lite-ready` / `npm i -S lite-ready`
- [passport]( - Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js
- `yarn add passport` / `npm i -S passport`
- [attach.js]( - Attach.js removes dependancy on messy CSS selectors when attaching JavaScript to the page. Very useful for non-React/Angular/SPA projects
- `yarn add attach.js` / `npm i -S attach.js`
- [gator]( - Gator is a Javascript event delegation library
- `yarn add gator` / `npm i -S gator`
- [get-size]( - Get the size of elements
- `yarn add get-size` / `npm i -S get-size`
- [length.js]( - Library for length units conversion
- `yarn add length.js` / `npm i -S length.js`
- [action-outside]( - Invoke a callback function when clicked or tabbed outside one or multiple DOM elements
- `yarn add action-outside` / `npm i -S action-outside`
- [select-dom]( - Lightweight `querySelector`/`All` wrapper that outputs an Array
- `yarn add select-dom` / `npm i -S select-dom`
- [memoizee]( - Complete memoize/cache solution for JavaScript
- `yarn add memoizee` / `npm i -S memoizee`
- [memoize-one: A memoization library which only remembers the latest invocation](
- [kind-of]( - Get the native JavaScript type of a value, fast.
- `yarn add kind-of` / `npm i -S kind-of`
- [iterare: Array methods + ES6 Iterators =](
- `yarn add iterare` / `npm i -S iterare`
- `yarn add mergestate` / `npm i -S mergestate`
- [eases: a grab-bag of modular easing equations](
- [normalizr: Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema](
- [lazy-value: Create a lazily evaluated value](
- [mitt:
以上是关于markdown 我在网上工作的首选资源。的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章