# Digital Ocean Promo Coupon Code $35 / $100 1 Year Free Trial
**1) Get $35 / $25 / $20 / $10 free DigitalOcean Credit.**
**2) Get DigitalOcean 1 Year Free Trial.**
**3) Get $100 Credit For 60 Days.**
**[$100 Free Credits](https://goo.gl/dwtvzE)**
## Steps To Get Free Credit
1. First open this **[link](https://goo.gl/PnK6ZP)** and **Sign Up** to get your **$10 credit.**
2. While filling your billing info, click on **"Have a Promo Code?"** at the bottom of the page.
3. Enter any one of the below codes to get extra credit:
- `CodeAnywhere10`
- `DO10`
- `ALLSSD10`
- `WP10`
- `DEPLOY10`
From 1st step you will get your first $10 credit and by using additional promo codes you can get up to $35 of total credits.
Note: Some codes only give more credit on higher plans.
Note: If your code doesn't work then open a ticket and your problem should be solved.
## Steps To Get 1 Year Free Trial
1. Open this **[link](https://goo.gl/PnK6ZP)** and SignUp for **[Student Developer Pack](https://education.github.com/pack).**
2. After you complete the SignUp process you will get a promo code.
3. Use that code while signing up for DigitalOcean to get your $50 credit.
Removed some spam comments. Do not open any links from the comments, everything that works will be added here.