# WaPoNe_CookieNotification
<img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11091926/24904030/73980286-1eaf-11e7-8e67-4cb7dcfbeb1a.png" align="left" height="100px" width="100px" /> **WaPoNe Cookie Notification** is a Magento 2 extension to inform users about use and management of your website cookies.
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## Final result

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## Installation
### Composer
Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder
composer require wapone/module-cookie-notification
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
If you don't use *composer* to install the module but you download it directly, you also have to download https://github.com/WaPoNe/module-wapone-base module.
## User Guide
### Configuration
Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > WaPoNe > Cookie Notification.
*Functional Settings*

1. Set *Activation* to 'YES'.
2. Insert a value for *Cookie Life* (default value is 3600)
3. Insert a value for *Cookie Path* (it is not required)
4. Insert a value for *Cookie Domain* (it is not required)
*Design Settings*

1. You have to choose *Message Position* (Top or Bottom)
2. Insert the *Message* to display to users
3. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of *Message Text*
4. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of *Message Background*
5. Insert the text for *Cookie More Button*
6. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of *Cookie More Button Text*
7. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of *Cookie More Button Background*
8. Select how to open *Cookie More Button Link* (Same Frame or New Window)
9. Select the page to link for *Cookie More Button* (default value is *Privacy Policy* page, in Luma Theme)
10. Insert the text for *Cookie Allow Button*
11. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of *Cookie Allow Button Text*
12. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of *Cookie Allow Button Background*
## Compability
- Magento CE:
- 2.1.x
- 2.2.x