markdown 用Python开发的“最佳实践最佳”(BOBP)指南。



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 用Python开发的“最佳实践最佳”(BOBP)指南。相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

# The Best of the Best Practices (BOBP) Guide for Python

A "Best of the Best Practices" (BOBP) guide to developing in Python.

## In General

### Values

- "Build tools for others that you want to be built for you." - Kenneth Reitz
- "Simplicity is alway better than functionality." - Pieter Hintjens
- "Fit the 90% use-case. Ignore the nay sayers." - Kenneth Reitz
- "Beautiful is better than ugly." - [PEP 20][]
- Build for open source (even for closed source projects).

### General Development Guidelines

- "Explicit is better than implicit" - [PEP 20][]
- "Readability counts." - [PEP 20][]
- "Anybody can fix anything." - [Khan Academy Development Docs][]
- Fix each [broken window]( (bad design, wrong decision, or poor code) *as soon as it is discovered*.
- "Now is better than never." - [PEP 20][]
- Test ruthlessly. Write docs for new features.
- Even more important that Test-Driven Development--*Human-Driven Development*
- These guidelines may--and probably will--change.

## In Particular

### Style

Follow [PEP 8][], when sensible.

#### Naming

- Variables, functions, methods, packages, modules
    - `lower_case_with_underscores`
- Classes and Exceptions
    - `CapWords`
- Protected methods and internal functions
    - `_single_leading_underscore(self, ...)`
- Private methods
    - `__double_leading_underscore(self, ...)`
- Constants

###### General Naming Guidelines 

Avoid one-letter variables (esp. `l`, `O`, `I`). 

*Exception*: In very short blocks, when the meaning is clearly visible from the immediate context

for e in elements:

Avoid redundant labeling.

import audio

core = audio.Core()
controller = audio.Controller()

import audio

core = audio.AudioCore()
controller = audio.AudioController()

Prefer "reverse notation".

elements = ...
elements_active = ...
elements_defunct = ...

elements = ...
active_elements = ...
defunct_elements ...

Avoid getter and setter methods.

person.age = 42


#### Indentation

Use 4 spaces--never tabs. Enough said.

#### Imports

Import entire modules instead of individual symbols within a module. For example, for a top-level module `canteen` that has a file `canteen/`,


import canteen
import canteen.sessions
from canteen import sessions


from canteen import get_user  # Symbol from canteen/
from canteen.sessions import get_session  # Symbol from canteen/

*Exception*: For third-party code where documentation explicitly says to import individual symbols.

*Rationale*: Avoids circular imports. See [here](

Put all imports at the top of the page with three sections, each separated by a blank line, in this order:

1. System imports
2. Third-party imports
3. Local source tree imports

*Rationale*: Makes it clear where each module is coming from.

#### Documentation

Follow [PEP 257][]'s docstring guidelines. [reStructured Text]( and [Sphinx]( can help to enforce these standards.

Use one-line docstrings for obvious functions.

"""Return the pathname of ``foo``."""

Multiline docstrings should include

- Summary line
- Use case, if appropriate
- Args
- Return type and semantics, unless ``None`` is returned

"""Train a model to classify Foos and Bars.


    >>> import klassify
    >>> data = [("green", "foo"), ("orange", "bar")]
    >>> classifier = klassify.train(data)

:param train_data: A list of tuples of the form ``(color, label)``.
:rtype: A :class:`Classifier <Classifier>`


- Use action words ("Return") rather than descriptions ("Returns").
- Document `__init__` methods in the docstring for the class.

class Person(object):
    """A simple representation of a human being.

    :param name: A string, the person's name.
    :param age: An int, the person's age.
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

##### On comments

Use them sparingly. Prefer code readability to writing a lot of comments. Often, small methods are more effective than comments.


# If the sign is a stop sign
if sign.color == 'red' and sign.sides == 8:


def is_stop_sign(sign):
    return sign.color == 'red' and sign.sides == 8

if is_stop_sign(sign):

When you do write comments, remember: "Strunk and White apply." - [PEP 8][]

#### Line lengths

Don't stress over it. 80-100 characters is fine.

Use parentheses for line continuations.

wiki = (
    "The Colt Python is a .357 Magnum caliber revolver formerly manufactured "
    "by Colt's Manufacturing Company of Hartford, Connecticut. It is sometimes "
    'referred to as a "Combat Magnum". It was first introduced in 1955, the '
    "same year as Smith & Wesson's M29 .44 Magnum."

### Testing

Strive for 100% code coverage, but don't get obsess over the coverage score.

#### General testing guidelines

- Use long, descriptive names. This often obviates the need for doctrings in test methods.
- Tests should be isolated. Don't interact with a real database or network. Use a separate test database that gets torn down or use mock objects.
- Prefer [factories]( to fixtures.
- Never let incomplete tests pass, else you run the risk of forgetting about them. Instead, add a placeholder like `assert False, "TODO: finish me"`.

#### Unit Tests

- Focus on one tiny bit of functionality.
- Should be fast, but a slow test is better than no test.
- It often makes sense to have one testcase class for a single class or model.

import unittest
import factories

class PersonTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.person = factories.PersonFactory()

    def test_has_age_in_dog_years(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.person.dog_years, self.person.age / 7)

#### Functional Tests

Functional tests are higher level tests that are closer to how an end-user would interact with your application. They are typically used for web and GUI applications.

- Write tests as scenarios. Testcase and test method names should read like a scenario description.
- Use comments to write out stories, *before writing the test code*.

import unittest

class TestAUser(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_can_write_a_blog_post(self):
        # Goes to the her dashboard
        # Clicks "New Post"
        # Fills out the post form
        # Clicks "Submit"
        # Can see the new post

Notice how the testcase and test method read together like "Test A User can write a blog post".

## Inspired by...

- [PEP 20 (The Zen of Python)][PEP 20]
- [PEP 8 (Style Guide for Python)][PEP 8]
- [The Hitchiker's Guide to Python][python-guide]
- [Khan Academy Development Docs][]
- [Python Best Practice Patterns][]
- [Pythonic Sensibilities][]
- [The Pragmatic Programmer][]
- and many other bits and bytes

[Pythonic Sensibilities]:
[Python Best Practice Patterns]:
[PEP 20]:
[PEP 257]:
[PEP 8]:
[Khan Academy Development Docs]:
[The Pragmatic Programmer]:

以上是关于markdown 用Python开发的“最佳实践最佳”(BOBP)指南。的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

markdown 用Python开发的“最佳实践最佳”(BOBP)指南。

markdown 用Python开发的“最佳实践最佳”(BOBP)指南。

markdown 用Python开发的“最佳实践最佳”(BOBP)指南。

markdown 用Python开发的“最佳实践最佳”(BOBP)指南。

markdown 用Python开发的“最佳实践最佳”(BOBP)指南。
