*Run node docker container*
$ docker run -it node bash
*Run node 6 docker container*
$ docker run -it node:6 bash
*Run node alpine docker container (small container, no bash)*
$ docker run -it node:alpine bash
*Execute code inside a running container*
$ docker exec -i -t <docker-id> bash
*List containers available*
$ docker ps
*Mount current local folder in docker container*
$ docker run -v ~/dev/hob-webshop-platform/frontend:/mnt -it node bash
*Launch a Docker Compose image*
$ docker-compose up
*Launch Docker file in a local folder to create local Docker image (-t adds a nicer name to the Docker image)*
$ docker build -t hob-platform/sting-frontend .
## Stuff to know…
- Docker Hub: [https://hub.docker.com](https://hub.docker.com/)
- All changes in the files in the container are lost when exiting- Docker compose: executes docker commands with nice YAML syntax (available in DockerHub)
- Example for docker compose: [https://docs.docker.com/compose/wordpress](https://docs.docker.com/compose/wordpress)