# Angular - Material - How to Override Material Button Style
For Angular Material 6.2.1:
Add a Material button:
<button mat-raised-button>Test</button>
Inspect the `button` element in devtools and change the style to your liking.
In your `/sass/_extend.scss` (could be any other name):
.mat-raised-button {
border-radius: 10px;
background-image: linear-gradient(101deg, #7b9bed, #567fea);
width: 100%;
@extend %font-bold; // your font
text-align: center;
color: #ffffff;
font-size: 14px;
height: 48px;
cursor: pointer;
border: none;
Then in your component `scss` file import the `_extend.scss`:
@import "../../../sass/extend";
and use the `mat-raised-button` in your button like this:
<button mat-raised-button
[title]="'DoctorProfile.book_this_doctor' | translate">
{{ 'DoctorProfile.book_this_doctor' | translate }}
The button should now have ripple and raised effect.