# Test Angular app on Mobile Phone
1. First verify your machine IP Address.
On Windows, type `ipconfig` in Prompt (copy IPv4).
On Mac, type `ifconfig |grep inet` in Terminal (copy inet).
In my case this is
2. Next, type `ng serve --host`.
3. Ok, your app on air for all devices on same network.
4. Now only `` will work, access this on both browser and phone for tetsing.
## Samsung phone's Remote Debugging:
1. Install Android Studio and Chrome (see source).
2. Open up the Chrome browser on your desktop and visit `chrome://inspect`.
3. `Devices > Remote Target > Inspect`.
## iPhone's Remote Debugging:
1. Connect iPhone with Mac
2. Open Safari go to `Preferences > Advanced > Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar`.
3. `Develop > iPhone xxx > choose Website`.