markdown monorepo docs



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown monorepo docs相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

# Table of Contents
1. [UI Components, Core Functions, Redux Actions](#ui-components-top)
2. [Actions, Reducers, Saga Functions](#actions-reducers-saga-functions)

## 1 :: <a name="ui-components-top"> UI Components, Core Functions, Redux Actions</a>

![UI, Core, Actions](
<!-- put the url here of the diagram editor, so the diagram can be updated -->

1. [UI -> UI](#ui-ui): actual user interaction calls a component function
2. [UI -> core](#ui-core): the component function calls a core function with optional arguments  
3. [core -> actions](#core-actions): core functions create redux actions, passing in a payload  
4. [actions -> reducers and/or redux sagas](#actions-reducers-sagas): actions are emitted to redux

## 1 :: <a name="ui-components-examples"> Code Examples </a>

<sub><a name="ui-ui">UI -> UI</a></sub>  
<sub><a name="ui-core">UI -> core</a></sub>  

// 1. UI -> UI: actual user interaction calls a component func  
// 2. UI -> core: the component function calls core function with opt args

// make this a project specific living document: 
// where does each piece of code live?

// example function in *.tsx
onClick(param: string): void {
    // this is an action creator
    const { funcName, valueFromProps } = this.props
    funcName(param, valueFromProps)

// function is possibly passed into child component
render(): JSX.Element {
    <Button text="Confirm" onClick={this.onClick} />


*### summary : actual user interaction, UI component functions, core functions*

These are code examples of the first two messages in the flow of data: the calling of a UI function per the actual user, and then the calling of a core function inside of that UI function.  

Both the above `onClick` and `render` functions will be found inside of a `React.Component`. Functions and other passed in values come into the component via React `props`, i.e. `funcName`. They're then destructured and may take in possible arguments from the component function.  

It is common to see a React component pass its own functions into any child components within it, in this case the confirm button receives as props its parent's function, as `this.onClick`.

<sub>[back to top of these code examples](#ui-components-examples)</sub>  

<sub>[back to top of section](#ui-components-top)  </sub>


<sub><a name="core-actions">core -> actions</a><sub>

// 3. core -> actions: core funcs create redux actions, passing in a payload
// make this part a living document: where does each piece of code live?

// example function type without params, with interface
interface ClearDataAction {
    readonly type: "CLEAR_DATA"

const clearData = () => ({
    type: "CLEAR_DATA",

// example function type with params, with interface
interface SetDataAction {
    readonly type: "SET_DATA"
    readonly attr1: string
    readonly attr2: string
    readonly attr3: number
    readonly attr4: boolean

const setData = (
    attr1: string,
    attr2: string,
    attr3: number,
    attr4: boolean,
): SetDataAction => ({
    type: "SET_DATA",

// union type for export
type GroupedDataActions =
    | SetDataAction
    | ClearDataAction

export { 
    // interface types

    // action creators

*### summary : core functions, redux actions*

These are a few code examples of the third message in the flow of data: the core function inside of that UI function (in steps one and two above) creates a redux action.  

A redux action returns an object with a `type` property, and may have other possible fields (its payload). Examples of this from above are `clearData` and `setData`. You can also each has their interface shape above it. The interfaces may be grouped as they are in `GroupedDataActions`, and then everything is exported.  

<sub>[back to section sequence diagram](#ui-components-top)</sub>  
<sub>[back to top of code examples](#ui-components-examples)</sub>  


<sub><a name="actions-reducers-sagas">actions, reducers, sagas</a></sub>  

// 4. actions -> reducers and/or redux sagas: actions are emitted to redux

// These actions' types are listened for:
// in the reducers themselves,
// in the sagas, via the sagas/index.

// often, at end of saga function, new data is passed into reducer.


*### summary : actions, reducers, redux sagas*  

Redux actions are listened for in both redux reducers and redux sagas by the action `type` and then the payload is used to mutate state. More details will be found in the following section.  


## 2 :: <a name="actions-reducers-saga-functions"> Actions, Reducers, Saga Functions</a>

![Actions, Reducers, Saga Functions](

1. note: reducers and sagas both listen for an action's type, then take in its payload to perform state mutations, as mentioned at the end of the previous section.
2. actions -> reducers: actions go into reducers as replacements to state, without logic  
3. actions -> sagas: complicated or state-ful logic is orchestrated in the sagas, where control flow lives  

## 2 :: <a name="ui-components-examples"> Code Examples </a>

// 1. actions -> reducers: actions go into reducers for simple replacements to state, without logic  
// make this part a living document: where does each piece of code live?
import { DataShape, INITIAL_STATE } from "../core"

function plainReducer(action: ActionTypeInterface) {
    switch (action.type) {
        // this is the type listened for
        case "SET_DATA":
            // this is what is returned to the state tree,
            // only simple replacements
            return { ...state, data: }
        case "CLEAR_DATA":
            return INITIAL_STATE
            return INITIAL_STATE

// root reducer
import { rootReducer } from "redux"
import { plainReducer } from "../data/plainFile"
import { anotherPlainReducer } from "../data/anotherPlainFile"

// each reducer is fed into the rootReducer
const rootReducer = combineReducers({

// the rootReducer is then fed into the redux store...


// store.ts

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux"
import { Sagas, Reducers, Core } from "common"
import createSagaMiddleware from "redux-saga"
import { createLogger } from "redux-logger"

import { AppState } from "../core/app_state"

const logger = createLogger({
    stateTransformer: (state: AppState) => state,

// create saga middeware
const middleware = [
    // other custom middleware here,

// Add the reducer to your store on the `router` key
// Also apply our middleware for navigating
export const store = createStore(

// sagas/index

import { funcName } from "../modules/shape_name/shape_sagas"
import { 
} from "../modules/other_shape_name/other_shape_sagas"

const sagasIndex() {
    forEvery("ACTION_NAME1", funcName),
    forEvery("ACTION_NAME2", funcName2),
    // and more of the same


## Redux Sagas

![Redux Sagas](

sagas -> external API: request is made for data to be exchanged
external API -> sagas: returns raw response
sagas -> utils: utils are called, to actually perform business logic
utils -> sagas: data is returned, fit for saga to give to an action
sagas -> actions: return final data to actions

## Store, UI Components, UI As A Whole

![Store, UI Components, UI As  Whole](

Title: Store, UI Components, UI As  whole

store -> components: components are as presentational as possible
components -> ui: the components make up the ui, also as presentational as possible, maintaining miimal ui state
ui -> ui utils: sorting and filtering based on actual user interaction is handled in ui utils

// client.ts or web/api.ts


// sagas/index.ts

import { takeEvery } from "redux-saga/effects"
import { handleMetaData } from "../metadata_sagas"
import { handleClientMsg } from "../client_sagas"
import { handleLogin } from "../login_sagas"
import {
} from "../modules/logout/logout_sagas"

export default function* root(): {} {
    yield [
        takeEvery("HANDLE_LOGIN_RESP", handleLogin),
        takeEvery("LOGOUT", handleLogout),
        takeEvery("HANDLE_LOGOUT_RESPONSE", handleLogoutResponse),
        takeEvery("HANDLE_METADATA", handleMetaData),
        takeEvery("HANDLE_CLIENT_MSG", handleClientMsg),

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