1. Add Siri capbilities to project
2. Create Intents Extension (Include UI Extension)
2. Add Supported intents on NSExtension -> NSExtensionAttributes -> IntentsSupported
3. Create Intent Handler(s)
4. Add Privacy - Siri Usage Description on main project info.plist
5. Add Privacy - Face ID Usage Description as well if using it
6. [Register Vocabulary and Example phases](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sirikit/registering_custom_vocabulary_with_sirikit)
7. อย่าลืมเขียน Appdelegate ให้รองรับ NSActivity กรณี user เลือกที่จะ continue in app ด้วย
8. [Set alternative app name](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sirikit/registering_custom_vocabulary_with_sirikit/specifying_synonyms_for_your_app_name)
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