1. Enqueue Twitter's sharing script so your link triggers a pop-up window, not a redirect.
Note: In Radicati 2, you enqueue scripts in lib/register_assets.php
// Twitter sharing popup
wp_enqueue_script('twitter-sharing', "https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js");
2. Create ACF fields for the options page:
Twitter Sharing Prefill Message: twitter_prefill
Twitter Handle: twitter_handle
3. Add this link to your twig template:
<a class="twitter-sharing-link" href="http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?{% if options['twitter_prefill'] %}text={{ options['twitter_prefill'] }}{% endif %}&=url={{post.link}}{%if options['twitter_handle'] %}&=via={{options['twitter_handle']}}{% endif %}" ><i class="fab fa-fw fa-twitter"></i></a>
Note: Just make sure not to use the class: "twitter-share-button" as Twitter's script will take it over and style it into sad twitter ugliness...