1. Of course you will need VS (latest is the best)
2. Then, install `nuget.exe` by
2.1. Download nuget from [nuget](https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe)
2.2. Saving nuget.exe to suitable folder
2.3. Add to PATH environment variable like `C:\nuget`
3. Of course you need a library to publish, say `MyApp` (then there is a `MyApp.csproj` file at root directory)
4. Open cmd at root dir
5. Run the command below to create nuspec file
nuget spec MyApp.csproj
6. Update that nuspec file to match your release notes, pay attention in some required fields such as
- licenseUrl
- projectUrl
- iconUrl
- releaseNotes
- tags
7. Create package with command
nuget pack
A package will be created, say `MyApp.1.0.0.nupkg`
8. Run command below to publish that package
nuget push <package>.nupkg <apikey> -Source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
- \<package\> is your package name
- \<apikey\> is your nuget api key
And done!