Go ahead and use html code such as `<br>` in your variable and then in the included twig template, call that variable with the raw filter, eg:
{% embed "00-atoms/01-text/08-address" with
{'address': "201 Eddy St, <br>
San Francisco CA 94102"
} %}
{% endembed %}
in 00-atoms/01-text/08-address:
{{ address | raw }}
Alternately, if all you need is line breaks, just make sure that the div into which you are passing the data has the styling: `white-space: pre-line;` and then put line breaks right in the data, eg:
{% embed "00-atoms/01-text/08-address" with
{'address': "201 Eddy St,
San Francisco CA 94102"
} %}
{% endembed %}