## A Zend Framework 3 application relies on following 6 components:
- Configuration array.
- ServiceManager instance.
- EventManager instance.
- ModuleManager instance.
- Request object.
- Response object.
## There are 2 types of Route Stack:
- SimpleRouteStack: LIFO order.
- TreeRouteStack: B-tree algorithm.
## There are 2 types of Controller:
- `Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController`
- `Zend\Mvc\Controller\RestfulController`
## There are 6 types of Service Manager config:
- abstract_factories
- factories
- invokables
- aliases
- services
- shared (default all services are shared)
## There are 2 type of Data Access Layer:
- `Zend\Db\TableGateway`
- `Zend\Db\RowGateway`