markdown Magento 2 - 产品sql
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown Magento 2 - 产品sql相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
SELECT e.entity_id AS 'id',
v1.value AS 'name',
d1.value AS 'price',
t1.value AS 'short_description',
t2.value AS 'description',
v2.value AS 'image',
v3.value AS 'thumbnail',
mg.value AS 'media_gallery',
cids.category_ids AS 'category_ids',
cids.category_names AS 'category_names'
FROM catalog_product_entity e
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_varchar v1 ON e.entity_id = v1.entity_id
AND v1.store_id = 0
AND v1.attribute_id =
(SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code = 'name'
AND entity_type_id =
(SELECT entity_type_id
FROM eav_entity_type
WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'))
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_text t1 ON e.entity_id = t1.entity_id
AND t1.store_id = 0
AND t1.attribute_id =
(SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code = 'short_description'
AND entity_type_id =
(SELECT entity_type_id
FROM eav_entity_type
WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'))
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_text t2 ON e.entity_id = t2.entity_id
AND t2.store_id = 0
AND t2.attribute_id =
(SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code = 'description'
AND entity_type_id =
(SELECT entity_type_id
FROM eav_entity_type
WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'))
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_varchar v2 ON e.entity_id = v2.entity_id
AND v2.store_id = 0
AND v2.attribute_id =
(SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code = 'image'
AND entity_type_id =
(SELECT entity_type_id
FROM eav_entity_type
WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'))
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_varchar v3 ON e.entity_id = v3.entity_id
AND v3.store_id = 0
AND v3.attribute_id =
(SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code = 'thumbnail'
AND entity_type_id =
(SELECT entity_type_id
FROM eav_entity_type
WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'))
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_decimal d1 ON e.entity_id = d1.entity_id
AND d1.store_id = 0
AND d1.attribute_id =
(SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code = 'price'
AND entity_type_id =
(SELECT entity_type_id
FROM eav_entity_type
WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'))
(SELECT m1.entity_id,
GROUP_CONCAT(m2.value) AS value
FROM catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value_to_entity m1
INNER JOIN catalog_product_entity_media_gallery m2 ON m2.value_id = m1.value_id
AND m2.attribute_id =
(SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code = 'media_gallery'
AND entity_type_id =
(SELECT entity_type_id
FROM eav_entity_type
WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product'))
GROUP BY m1.entity_id) mg ON e.entity_id = mg.entity_id
(SELECT product_id,
GROUP_CONCAT(c.category_id SEPARATOR ',') AS category_ids,
GROUP_CONCAT(cv.value SEPARATOR ',') AS category_names
FROM catalog_category_product c
INNER JOIN catalog_category_entity_varchar cv ON c.category_id = cv.entity_id
AND cv.store_id = 0
AND cv.attribute_id =
(SELECT attribute_id
FROM eav_attribute
WHERE attribute_code = 'name'
AND entity_type_id =
(SELECT entity_type_id
FROM eav_entity_type
WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_category'))
GROUP BY product_id) cids ON e.entity_id = cids.product_id ;
以上是关于markdown Magento 2 - 产品sql的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
markdown Magento 2 Javascript笔记(感谢Alan Storm