# Dictionary
#### Find value by key
value = d.get(key)
##### Check if value exisit
# Nomral dict
if d.get(key):
d[key] = 0
# Nested dict:
if not d[key]:
d[key] = 0
#### Loop each key/value pair
# This work in python3
# For python two just loop through d
for k,v in d.items()
# do something
#### Nested Dictionary (wrapper function)
from collections import defaultdict
nested_dict = lambda: defaultdict(nested_dict)
d = nested_dict()
#### Find key by value
- cannot be done directly
- better to check if the value exist first, to prevent keyerror
- value as list -> find the index of the query value -> check the content in the key list
# check if a value exist
value in d.values()
# find key
key = list(d.keys())[list(d.values()).index(value)]
#### To dataframe/ Series
# To dataframe, d is the dictionary (python3)
df = pd.DataFrame(list(d.items()),columns=["a","b"])
# In python2 can just give pd.DataFrame a dict items (d.items() return list in python3), but in python3 d.items is a iter item (need to be iterated)
df = pd.DataFrame(d.items(),columns=['a','b'])
# Or to series
s = pd.Series(d)
# series wih it own index
s = pd.Series(d,name="ValueName")
s.index.name = "KeyName"
s = s.reset_index() # Free the key out by using new autocrement index
# This doesn't work becuase DataFrame method accept scalar value only, list/dictionary will not work