**Theme**: Brooklyn
**Last version(s) tested**: VERSION 12.1.2
**Recommended design time**: 10 minutes
## What you have:

## What you want:

## What you do:
Step 1:
Open `header.liquid`.
1. Find this code `<div class="grid__item large--one-third medium-down--one-half">`
2. Replace it with ` <div class="grid__item large--one-twelfth medium-down--one-half">`
3. Find this code `<nav class="grid__item large--two-thirds large--text-right medium-down--hide" role="navigation">`
4. Replace only the **class** with `grid__item large--eleventh-twelfth large--text-right medium-down--hide`
5. Find this code `<h1 class="site-header__logo large--left" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Organization">`
6. Add an **id** to it. `id="site_header_logo"`.
7. The code with id should look like ` <h1 id="site_header_logo"class="site-header__logo large--left" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Organization">`
8. Save the file
Step 2:
Open Theme.scss.liquid
1.At the bottom of the file add this code:
@include at-query($min, $large) {
2. Save the file.