markdown 为Iterm2安装新主题



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 为Iterm2安装新主题相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

# Demo
\- Defautl:

\- Powerlevel10k


# How to install

## iTerm2

`brew cask install iterm2`
Or, if you do not have homebrew (you should): [Download]( and install iTerm2 

iTerm2 has better color fidelity than the built in Terminal, so your themes will look better.
Get the iTerm color settings

- [Solarized Dark theme]( (patched version to fix the bright black value)
- [Solarized Light theme](
- [More themes @ iterm2colorschemes](
Just save it somewhere and open the file(s). The color settings will be imported into iTerm2. Apply them in iTerm through iTerm → preferences → profiles → colors → load presets. You can create a different profile other than `Default` if you wish to do so.

## Oh My Zsh
More info here:

### Install with curl
`sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"`

When the installation is done, edit `~/.zshrc` and set `ZSH_THEME="agnoster"`

### Powerlevel9k / Powerlevel10k
Why Powerlevel10k? Well, because it's a drop-in replacement for Powerlevel9k, just a lot faster to render your prompt. `ls` feels fast again!

So if you prefer the Powerlevel10k look with added info such as exit codes and timestamps on the right, run:

`git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/powerlevel10k`

Then edit your `~/.zshrc` and set `ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"`.

Also add the following: `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-patched"`

Powerlevel10k offers a whole lot more, best is to [check out these user made configs yourself](

### Install a patched font
- [Source Code Pro](
- [Source Code Pro + Font Awesome](, this one is needed if you want the icons from Font Awesome as shown in the screenshot for Powerlevel10k.
- [Others @ powerline fonts](
Open the downloaded font and press "Install Font".

Set this font in iTerm2 (iTerm → Preferences → Profiles → Text → Change Font), best to do this for "Font" and for "Non-ASCII Font".

Restart iTerm2 for all changes to take effect.

以上是关于markdown 为Iterm2安装新主题的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

markdown iTerm2 - 为MacOS设置彩色'ls'和其他输出

(iTerm2) - 配置主题、插件



