# Feedly
To read blogs and articles of different topics:
- Accessibility
- Performance
- JavaScript
- Productivity & bullet journal
- Learning
- Interesting blogs
- Design
- Illustration
- Introverts
- Madrid
- Food recipes
- Travel
# Notion
In the home page of your workspace you can organize yourself and have (for example):
- Task lists in a kanban board (to-do, doing & done)
- Self-notes:
- Processes
- Projects
- Deployment
- Technology
- Learning topics you want to improve:
- Accessibility
- Performance
- CSS Grid Layout
- CSS animations
- CSS variables
- Webpack
- Tests with Jest and Cypress
- Automatic tests for accesssibility (pa11y)
- Useful links from the company
# Cacher.io:
- You can have labels for different topics and files with codesnippets or resources that can be useful for you in the future
- In the same codesnippet you can have different files for HTML, CSS and JavaScript if you needed.