markdown 商家可以选择将在新标签页中打开的特定导航项
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了markdown 商家可以选择将在新标签页中打开的特定导航项相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
**Theme:** *Debut*
**Last version(s) tested:** *Debut 13.0.0*
**Recommended design time:** *10 minutes*
This customization allows merchants to select a nav item that they want to be able to be opened in a new tab. All that selected nav item's child nav items will also be opened in a new tab.
This customization will work for other themes, you will just need to slightly modified where you place the `{% if %}` statements, and change the class names in the jQuery.
# What you have
All nav items open in the in same tab.

# What you want
The merchant is able to choose certain nav items that will open in a new tab instead.

**Step one:** In the header.liquid file, add the following code inside the class attribute of the first `<li>` element in the file.
{% if forloop.index == indexOfSpecificNavItem and section.settings.make_specific_nav_items_open_in_a_new_tab %} drop-down-links-open-in-new-tab {% endif %}
So it should look like this:
<li class="mobile-nav__item {% if forloop.index == indexOfSpecificNavItem and section.settings.make_specific_nav_items_open_in_a_new_tab %} drop-down-links-open-in-new-tab {% endif %} {% unless forloop.last %} border-bottom{% endunless %}">
**Step two:** In the header.liquid file, add the following code to the bottom of the schema.
"type": "header",
"content": "Make specific nav items open in a new tab"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "make_specific_nav_items_open_in_a_new_tab",
"default": true,
"label": "Make specific nav items open in a new tab"
"type": "select",
"id": "index_of_specific_nav_item",
"options": [
{ "value": "1", "label": "First nav item"},
{ "value": "2", "label": "Second nav item"},
{ "value": "3", "label": "Third nav item"},
{ "value": "4", "label": "Fourth nav item"},
{ "value": "5", "label": "Fifth nav item"},
{ "value": "6", "label": "Sixth nav item"}
"label": "Underneath which nav item should links to open in a new tab"
**Step three:** In the header.liquid file, at the very top of the page, add the following code.
{% assign indexOfSpecificNavItem = section.settings.index_of_specific_nav_item | round %}
**Step four:** In the site-nav.liquid file, add the following code inside the class attribute of the first `<li>` element in the file.
{% if forloop.index == indexOfSpecificNavItem and section.settings.make_specific_nav_items_open_in_a_new_tab %} drop-down-links-open-in-new-tab {% endif %}
So it should look like this:
<li class="{% if forloop.index == indexOfSpecificNavItem and section.settings.make_specific_nav_items_open_in_a_new_tab %} drop-down-links-open-in-new-tab {% endif %} site-nav--has-dropdown{% if three_level_nav %} site-nav--has-centered-dropdown{% endif %}{% if %} site-nav--active{% endif %}" data-has-dropdowns>
**Step five:** In the site-nav.liquid file, add the following code inside the class attribute of the very last `<li>` element in the file.
{% if forloop.index == indexOfSpecificNavItem and section.settings.make_specific_nav_items_open_in_a_new_tab %} drop-down-links-open-in-new-tab {% endif %}
So it should look like this:
<li class="{% if forloop.index == indexOfSpecificNavItem and section.settings.make_specific_nav_items_open_in_a_new_tab %} drop-down-links-open-in-new-tab {% endif %} {% if %} site-nav--active{% endif %}">
**Step six:** In the theme.js file, add the following code to the very bottom of the file.
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('.drop-down-links-open-in-new-tab .site-nav__link').each(function() {
$(this).attr('target', '_blank');
**Note:** When settings are changed, they do not take effect until the page is refreshed. It may be worth letting the merchant know about this in your email.
以上是关于markdown 商家可以选择将在新标签页中打开的特定导航项的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章