php 更新版本的FPDM以解决范围问题。



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了php 更新版本的FPDM以解决范围问题。相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


* FPDM                                                                         *
*                                                                              *
*@file    fpdm.php                                                             *
*@name    A free PDF form filling tool                                         *
*@package fpdftk                                                               *
*@version 2.8                                                                  *
*@date    2011-12-31                                                           *
*@author  0livier                                                              *
*@todo in the importance order, natively by fpdm                               *
*	 -stream inline support (content change,repack,offset/size calculations)   *
*	 -pdf inline protection                                                    *
*	 -flatten support          												   *
*	 -extends filling to another form fields types (checkboxes,combos..)       *
*@note   	                                                                   *
*	V2.8 (31.12.2011) added UTF-8 support                                      *
*	V2.7 (29.12.2011) compatibility with PDFs generated by pdftk               *
*	V2.6 (25.12.2010) OpenOffice 3 compatibility issues for Florian            *
*		see	tracking issue here: *
*	V2.5 (06.12.2010) pdftk support for flatten mode and more...special        *
*	christmas release to the fpdf fanclub even if the red guy is busy	       *
*	V2.4 (01.12.2010) Hack for malformed stream definitions, new parsing and   *
*	stream core	with advanced verbose output. Fix() bonus for corrupted pdfs.  *
*	V2.3 (28.11.2010) stream type was lost when /length defined after /Filter  *
*	V2.2 (27.11.2010) Stream filter improved:decode now handles multi filters! *                                                      *
*	V2.1 (25.11.2010) Only filter support for streams, trailer detection was   *
*	too restrictive. fixes FDF error occuring when empty array data is given.  *
*   V2.0 (05.11.2010) Load support for inline text fields datas or FDF content *
*	V1.1 (04.11.2010) Works now under php4 for backward compat.                *
* 	V1.0 (03.11.2010) First working release                                    *

//Major stream filters come from FPDI's stuff but I've added some :)

$__tmp = version_compare(phpversion(), "5") == -1 ? array('FPDM') : array('FPDM', false);
if (!call_user_func_array('class_exists', $__tmp)) {
	define('FPDM_RELEASE',"Snowstream forever dream(20101225)");

	define('FPDM_CACHE',dirname(__FILE__).'/export/cache/'); //cache directory for fdf temporary files needed by pdftk.
	define('FPDM_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN',15); //Security to prevent shell overflow.

    class FPDM {
		var $FPDM_FILTERS = array(); //holds all supported filters
		var $FPDM_REGEXPS = array(
		        "/Subtype" =>"/^\/Subtype\s+\/(\w+)$/"

        var $pdf_source;      //string: full pathname to the input pdf , a form file
        var $fdf_source;	  //string: full pathname to the input fdf , a form data file
		var $pdf_output;      //string: full pathname to the resulting filled pdf

        var $pdf_entries;     //array: Holds the content of the pdf file as array
		var $fdf_content;     //string: holds the content of the fdf file
		var $fdf_parse_needed;//boolean: false will use $fields data else extract data from fdf content
		var $value_entries;   //array: a map of values to faliclitate access and changes

		var $positions; 	  //array, stores what object id is at a given position n ($positions[n]=<obj_id>)

		var $offsets;   	  //array of offsets for objects, index is the object's id, starting at 1
		var $pointer;   	  //integer, Current line position in the pdf file during the parsing

		var $shifts;    	  //array, Shifts of objects in the order positions they appear in the pdf, starting at 0.
		var $shift;     	  //integer, Global shift file size due to object values size changes

		var $streams;         //Holds streams configuration found during parsing
		var $streams_filter;  //Regexp to decode filter streams

		var $safe_mode;       //boolean, if set, ignore previous offsets do no calculations for the new xref table, seek pos directly in file
		var $check_mode;      //boolean, Use this to track offset calculations errors in corrupteds pdfs files for sample
		var $halt_mode; 	  //if true, stops when offset error is encountered

		var $info; 			  //array, holds the info properties
        var $fields; 		  //array that holds fields-Data parsed from FDF

		var $verbose;         //boolean ,  a debug flag to decide whether or not to show internal process
		var $verbose_level;   //integer default is 1 and if greater than 3, shows internal parsing as well

		var $support; 		  //string set to 'native' for fpdm or 'pdftk' for pdf toolkit
		var $flatten_mode;	  //if true, flatten field data as text and remove form fields (NOT YET SUPPORTED BY FPDM)
		var $compress_mode;   //boolean , pdftk feature only to compress streams
		var $uncompress_mode; //boolean pdftk feature only to uncompress streams
		var $security;        //Array holding securtity settings
							  //(password owner nad user,  encrypt (set to 40 or 128 or 0), allow <permissions>] see pdfk help

		var $needAppearancesTrue;	//boolean, indicates if /NeedAppearances is already set to true
		var $isUTF8;				//boolean (true for UTF-8, false for ISO-8859-1)

         * Constructor
		 *@example Common use:
         *@param string $pdf_source Source-Filename
		 *@param string $fdf_source Source-Filename
		 *@param boolean $verbose , optional false per default
    	function FPDM() {
			$FPDM_FILTERS = array();
			//Major stream filters come from FPDI's stuff but I've added some :)




			//We are not joking here, let's have a polymorphic constructor!
			switch($num_args) {
				case FPDM_INVALID:
					$this->Error("Invalid instantiation of FPDM, requires at least one param");
				case FPDM_STATIC:
					if($args[0] =='[_STATIC_]')  break; //static use, caller is anonymous function defined in _set_field_value
					//else this is the pdf_source then, fdf content is loaded using Load() function
				case FPDM_VERBOSE: //Use the verbose value provided
					if($VERBOSE_FLAG) $verbose=$args[2];
				case FPDM_COMMON: //Common use
					$this->pdf_source = $args[0];//Blank pdf form

					if($FDF_FILE) {
						$this->fdf_source = $args[1];//Holds the data of the fields to fill the form

					//calculation and map

					//Stream filters


					//Debug modes
					$this->verbose_level=($verbose&&is_int($verbose)) ? $verbose : 1;
					$this->check_mode=false; //script will takes much more time if you do so

					$this->support='native'; //may ne overriden

					//echo "<br>filesize:".filesize($this->pdf_source);

					if($FDF_FILE) $this->load_file('FDF');


		*Loads a form data to be merged
		*@note this overrides fdf input source if it was previously defined
		*@access public
		*@param string|array $fdf_data a FDF file content or $pdf_data an array containing the values for the fields to change
		function Load($data,$isUTF8=false) {
			$this->isUTF8 = $isUTF8;

		*Loads a file according to its type
		*@access private
		*@param string type 'PDF' or 'FDF'
		*@param String|array content the data content of FDF files only or directly the fields values as array
		function load_file($type,$content=NULL) {
			 switch($type) {
				case "PDF" :
						$this->Error("load_file do not accept PDF content, only FDF content sorry");
						$this->pdf_entries = $this->getEntries($this->pdf_source,'PDF');
				case "FDF" :
					if(!is_null($content)) {
						if(is_array($content)) {
							//$this->dumpEntries($content,"PDF fields content");
						} else if(is_string($content)){ //String
							$this->fdf_content = $content; //TODO: check content
						} else
							$this->Error('Invalid content type for this FDF file!');
					} else {
						$this->fdf_content = $this->getContent($this->fdf_source,'FDF');
					$this->Error("Invalid file type $type");

		*Set a mode and play with your power debug toys
		*@access public
		*@note for big boys only coz it may hurt
		*@param string $mode a choice between 'safe','check','verbose','halt' or 'verbose_level'
		*@param string|int $value an integer for verbose_level
		function set_modes($mode,$value) {
			switch($mode) {
				case 'safe':
				case 'check':
				case 'flatten':
				case 'compress_mode':
					if($value) $this->uncompress_mode=false;
				case 'uncompress_mode':
					if($value) $this->compress_mode=false;
				case 'verbose':
				case 'halt':
				case 'verbose_level':
					$this->Error("set_modes error, Invalid mode '<i>$mode</i>'");

		*Retrieves informations of the pdf
		*@access public
		*@note To track PDF versions and so on...
		*@param Boolean output
		function Info($asArray=false) {
			$info["Reader"]=($this->support == "native") ?  'FPDF-Merge '.FPDM_VERSION: $this->support;
				'safe'=>($this->safe_mode)? 'Yes' :'No',
				'check'=>($this->check_mode) ? 'Yes': 'No',
				'flatten'=>($this->flatten_mode)  ? 'Yes': 'No',
				'compress_mode'=>($this->compress_mode) ? 'Yes': 'No',
				'uncompress_mode'=>($this->uncompress_mode) ? 'Yes': 'No',
			if($asArray) {
				return $info;
			} else {
				$this->dumpEntries($info,"Welcome on FPDMerge flight to ".FPDM_RELEASE.", here is the pdf temperature:");

		*Changes the support
		*@access public
		*@internal fixes xref table offsets
		*@note special playskool toy for Christmas dedicated to my impatient fanclub (Grant, Kris, nejck,...)
		*@param String support Allow to use external support that has more advanced features (ie 'pdftk')
		function Plays($cool) {
			if($cool=='pdftk')  //Use a coolest support as ..
				$this->support='pdftk';//..Per DeFinition This is Kool!

		*Fixes a corrupted PDF file
		*@access public
		*@internal fixes xref table offsets
		*@note Real work is not made here but by Merge that should be launched after to complete the work
		function Fix() {
			if(!$this->fields) $this->fields=array(); //Default: No field data
			$this->set_modes('check',true); //Compare xref table offsets with objects offsets in the pdf file
			$this->set_modes('halt',false); //Do no stop on errors so fix is applied during merge process

		//######## pdftk's output configuration #######

		*Decides to use  the  compress filter to restore compression.
		*@note  This is only useful when you want to repack PDF that was previously edited in a text  editor like vim or emacs.
		function Compress() {

		*Decides to remove PDF page stream compression by applying	the  uncompress  filter.
		*@note  This is only useful when you want to edit PDF code in a text  editor like vim or emacs.
		function Uncompress() {
		*Activates the flatten output to remove form from pdf file keeping field datas.
		function Flatten() {

		*Defines a password type
		*@param String type , 'owner' or  'user'
		function Password($type,$code) {
			switch($type) {
				case 'owner':
				case 'user':
					$this->Error("Unsupported password type ($type), specify 'owner' or 'user' instead.");

		*Defines the encrytion to the given bits
		*@param integer $bits 0, 40 or 128
		function Encrypt($bits) {
			switch($bits) {
				case 0:
				case 40:
				case 128:
					$this->Error("Unsupported encrypt value of $bits, only 0, 40 and 128 are supported");

		*Allow permissions
		*@param Array permmissions If no arg is given, show help.
		*   Permissions  are applied to the output PDF only if an encryption
	    *  strength is specified or an owner or user password is given.  If
	    *  permissions  are	not  specified,  they default to 'none,' which
	    *  means all of the following features are disabled.
	    *  The permissions section may include one or more of the following
	    *  features:
	    *  Printing
		*    Top Quality Printing
	    * DegradedPrinting
		*    Lower Quality Printing
	    *  ModifyContents
		*     Also allows Assembly
	    *  Assembly
	    *  CopyContents
		*     Also allows ScreenReaders
	    *  ScreenReaders
	    *  ModifyAnnotations
		*     Also allows FillIn
	    *  FillIn
	    *  AllFeatures
		*     Allows  the  user	to  perform  all of the above, and top
		*     quality printing.
		function Allow($permissions=null) {
				'Printing'=>'Top Quality Printing',
				'DegradedPrinting'=>'Lower Quality Printing',
				'ModifyContents' =>'Also allows Assembly',
				'Assembly' => '',
				'CopyContents' => 'Also allows ScreenReaders',
				'ScreenReaders' => '',
				'ModifyAnnotations'=>'Also allows FillIn',
				'AllFeatures'=> "All above"
			if(is_null($permissions)) {
				echo '<br>Info Allow permissions:<br>';
			}else {
				if(is_string($permissions)) $permissions=array($permissions);
				$this->security["allow"]=array_intersect($permissions, $perms);


		*Merge FDF file with a PDF file
		*@access public
		*@note files has been provided during the instantiation of this class
		*@internal flatten mode is not yet supported
		*@param Boolean flatten Optional, false by default, if true will use pdftk (requires a shell) to flatten the pdf form
		function Merge($flatten=false) {

			if($flatten) $this->Flatten();

			if($this->support == "native") {

				if($this->fdf_parse_needed) {
				}else {


					$this->dumpContent("The FDF content has either no field data or parsing may failed","FDF parser: ");



				if($count_entries) {

					if($this->verbose) {
						$this->dumpContent("$count_entries Field entry values found for $count_fields field values to fill","Merge info: ");
					//==== Alterate work is made here: change values ============
					if($count_fields) {
						foreach($fields as $name => $value) {
//							$value=''; //Strategy applies only to current value, clear others
//							$this->set_field_value("default",$name,$value);
//							$this->set_field_value("tooltip",$name,$value);

					//===== Cross refs/size fixes (offsets calculations for objects have been previously be done in set_field_value) =======

					//Update cross reference table to match object size changes

					//update the pointer to the cross reference table

					$this->Error("PDF file is empty!");

			} //else pdftk's job is done in Output, not here.

		*Warns verbose/output conflicts
		*@access private
		*@param string $dest a output destination
		function Close($dest) {
			$this->Error("Output: Verbose mode should be desactivated, it is incompatible with this output mode $dest");

		*Get current pdf content (without any offset fixes)
		*@access private
		*@param String pdf_file, if given , use the content as buffer (note file will be deleted after!)
		*@return string buffer the pdf content
		function get_buffer($pdf_file=''){
			if($pdf_file == '') {
			}else {
			return $buffer;

		*Output PDF to some destination
		*@access public
		*@note reproduces the fpdf's behavior
		*@param string name the filename
		*@string dest the destination
		*	by default it's a file ('F')
		*   if 'D'  , download
		*	and 'I' , Send to standard output
		function Output($name='', $dest=''){


			if($this->support == "pdftk") {
				//As PDFTK can only merge FDF files not data directly,
				require_once("lib/url.php"); //we will need a url support because relative urls for pdf inside fdf files are not supported by PDFTK...
				require_once("export/fdf/fdf.php"); //...conjointly with my patched/bridged forge_fdf that provides fdf file generation support from array data.
				require_once("export/pdf/pdftk.php");//Of course don't forget to bridge to PDFTK!

				$pdf_file=resolve_path(fix_path(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$this->pdf_source));      //string: full pathname to the input pdf , a form file

				if($this->fdf_source) { //FDF file provided
				}else {

					$pdf_url=getUrlfromDir($pdf_file); //Normaly http scheme not local file

					if($this->fdf_parse_needed) { //fdf source was provided
					}else { //fields data was provided as an array, we have to generate the fdf file

						$this->Error("Output failed as something goes wrong (Pdf was $pdf_url) <br> during internal FDF generation of file $fdf_file, <br>Reason is given by {$ret['return']}");

				//Serializes security options (not deeply tested)
				if(!is_null($this->security["password"]["owner"])) $security.=' owner_pw "'.substr($this->security["password"]["owner"],0,FPDM_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN).'"';
				if(!is_null($this->security["password"]["user"])) $security.=' user_pw "'.substr($this->security["password"]["user"],0,FPDM_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN).'"';
				if($this->security["encrypt"]!=0) $security.=' encrypt_'.$this->security["encrypt"].'bit';
				if(count($this->security["allow"])>0) {
					$security.=' allow ';
					foreach($permissions as $permission)
						$security.=' '.$permission;

				//Serialize output modes
				if($this->flatten_mode)  $output_modes.=' flatten';
				if($this->compress_mode) $output_modes.=' compress';
				if($this->uncompress_mode) $output_modes.=' uncompress';


				if($tmp_file) @unlink($fdf_file); //Clear cache

				if($ret["success"]) {



			//Abort to avoid to polluate output
			if($this->verbose&&(($dest=='I')||($dest=='D'))) {

				case 'I':
					//Send to standard output
						$this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file');
						//We send to a browser
						header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
							$this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file');
						header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->buffer));
						header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$name.'"');
						header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
						header('Pragma: public');
					echo $this->buffer;
				case 'D':
					//Download file
						$this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file');
					header('Content-Type: application/x-download');
						$this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file');
					header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->buffer));
					header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'"');

					header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
					header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modified
					header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); // HTTP/1.1
					header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
					//header("Pragma: "); // HTTP/1.0

					header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
					header('Pragma: public,no-cache');
					echo $this->buffer;
				case 'F':
					//Save to local file
					if($this->verbose) $this->dumpContent("Write file $name","Output");
						$this->Error('Unable to create output file: '.$name.' (currently opened under Acrobat Reader?)');

				case 'S':
					//Return as a string
					return $this->buffer;
					$this->Error('Incorrect output destination: '.$dest);
			return '';

		*Decodes and returns the binary form of a field hexified value
		*@note static method due to callback..
		*@param string value the hexified string
		*@return string call the binary string
		function pdf_decode_field_value($value) {
			return $call;

		*Encodes and returns the headecimal form of a field binary value
		*@note static method due to callback..
		*@param string value the binary string
		*@return string call the hexified string
		function pdf_encode_field_value($value) {
			return $value;

		*Universal Php4/5 static call helper
		*@param String $method a name of a method belonging to this class
		*@return mixed the return value of the called method
		function static_method_call($method) {


			return call_user_func_array(array($this,$method),$params_call);

		*Changes a field value that can be in hex <> or binary form ()
		*@param $matches the regexp matches of the line that contains the value to change
		*@param String $value the new value for the field property
		function replace_value($matches,$value) {


			if(($value!='')&&($matches[1]=="<")) //Value must be hexified..

			$value_type_code=$matches[0]; //Should be V, DV or TU
			$matches[0]="/".$value_type_code." ";

			return $value;

		*Core to change the value of a field property, inline.
		*@access private
		*@param int $line the lien where the field property value is defined in the pdf file
		*@param string $value the new value to set
		*@return int $shift the size change of the field property value
		function _set_field_value($line,$value) {

			//get the line content
			$CurLine =$this->pdf_entries[$line];


			//My PHP4/5 static call hack, only to make the callback $this->replace_value($matches,"$value") possible!
			$callback_code='$THIS=new FPDM("[_STATIC_]");return $THIS->replace_value($matches,"'.$value.'");';


			if(preg_match($field_regexp,$CurLine)) {
				//modify it according to the new value $value
				$CurLine = preg_replace_callback(
			}else {
				if($verbose_set) echo("<br>WARNING:".htmlentities("Can not access to the value: $CurLine using regexp $field_regexp"));



			return $Shift;

		function _encode_value($str) {
			return $this->_bin2hex($str);

		function _set_field_value2($line,$value,$append) {

				$CurLine .= ' /V <'.$this->_encode_value($value).'>';
				if(preg_match('#/V\s?[<(]([^>)]*)[>)]#', $CurLine, $a, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
					$this->Error('/V not found');

			return $Shift;

		*Changes the value of a field property, inline.
		*@param string $type supported values for type are 'default' , 'current' or 'tooltip'
		*@param string $name name of the field annotation to change the value
		*@param string $value the new value to set
		function set_field_value($type,$name,$value) {

			//Get the line(s) of the misc field values
			if(isset($this->value_entries["$name"])) {


				if($type=="tooltip") {


				} else {//if(isset($this->value_entries["$name"]["values"]["$type"])) {
//				echo $this->value_entries["$name"]["values"]["$type"];
/*					$field_value_line=$this->value_entries["$name"]["values"]["$type"];

					if($field_value_maxlen) //Truncates the size if needed
						$value=substr($value, 0, $field_value_maxlen);

					if($verbose_set) echo "<br>Change $type value of the field $name at line $field_value_line to '<i>$value</i>'";
//				}else
//					$this->Error("set_field_value failed as invalid valuetype $type for object $object_id");

				//offset size shift will affect the next objects offsets taking into accound the order they appear in the file--

			} else
				$this->Error("field $name not found");


		*Changes the tooltip value of a field property, inline.
		*@param string $name name of the field annotation to change the value
		*@param string $value the new value to set
		*@return int offset_shift the size variation
		function set_field_tooltip($name,$value) {

			//Get the line(s) of the misc field values
			if(isset($this->value_entries["$name"])) {
				if($field_tooltip_line) {
					if($verbose_set) echo "<br>Change tooltip of the field $name at line $field_tooltip_line to value [$value]";
				}else {
					if($verbose_set) echo "<br>Change toolpip value aborted, the field $name has no tooltip definition.";
			} else
				$this->Error("set_field_tooltip failed as the field $name does not exist");
			return $offset_shift;

		*Dumps the line entries
		*@note for debug purposes
		*@access private
		*@param array entries the content to dump
		*@param string tag an optional tag to highlight
		*@param boolean halt decides to stop or not this script
		function dumpEntries($entries,$tag="",$halt=false) {
			if($tag) echo "<br><h4>$tag</h4><hr>";
			if($entries) {
				echo "<pre>";
				echo htmlentities(print_r($entries,true));
				echo "</pre>";
			if($halt) exit();

		*Dumps the string content
		*@note for debug purposes
		*@access private
		*@param string content the content to dump
		*@param string tag an optional tag to highlight
		*@param boolean halt decides to stop or not this script
		function dumpContent($content,$tag="",$halt=false) {
			if($tag) echo "<h4>$tag</h4>";
			if($content) {
				echo "<pre>";
				echo htmlentities($content);
				echo "</pre>";
			if($halt) exit();

		*Retrieves the content of a file as a string
		*@access private
		*@param string $filename the filename of the file
		*@param string $filetype the type of file as info
		*@return string $content
		function getContent($filename,$filetype) {
            //$content = file_get_contents($filename);
			$content = fread($handle, filesize($filename));

            if (!$content)
                $this->Error(sprintf('Cannot open '.$filetype.' file %s !', $filename));

				$start = substr($content, 0, 2048);
				if(strpos($start, '/ObjStm')!==false)
					$this->Error('Object streams are not supported');
				if(strpos($start, '/Linearized')!==false)
					$this->Error('Fast Web View mode is not supported');
				$end = substr($content, -512);
				if(strpos($end, '/Prev')!==false)
					$this->Error('Incremental updates are not supported');
				$this->needAppearancesTrue = (strpos($content, '/NeedAppearances true')!==false);

          /*  if($this->verbose) {
				$this->dumpContent($content,"$filetype file content read");
            return $content;

		*Retrieves the content of a file as an array of lines entries
		*@access private
		*@param string $filename the filename of the file
		*@param string $filetype the type of file as info
		*@return array $entries
		function getEntries($filename,$filetype) {

           /* if($this->verbose) {
				$this->dumpEntries($entries,"$filetype file entries");
            return $entries;

		*Retrieves a binary string from its hexadecimal representation
		*@access private
		*@note Function was written because PHP has a bin2hex, but not a hex2bin!
		*@internal note pack(“C”,hexdec(substr($data,$i,2))) DOES NOT WORK
		*@param string $hexString the hexified string
		*@return string $bin a binary string
		function _hex2bin ($hexString)
			//echo "<br>_hex2bin($hexString)";
			$BinStr = '';

			// only hex numbers is allowed
			 if ($hexLength % 2 != 0 || preg_match("/[^\da-fA-F]/",$hexString)) return FALSE;

			//Loop through the input and convert it
			for ($i = 0; $i < $hexLength; $i += 2)
				$BinStr .= '%'.substr ($hexString, $i, 2);

			// Raw url-decode and return the result
			return rawurldecode ($BinStr);//chr(hexdec())

		*Encodes a binary string to its hexadecimal representation
		*@access private
		*@internal  dechex(ord($str{$i})); is buggy because for hex value of 0-15 heading 0 is missing! Using sprintf() to get it right.
		*@param string $str a binary string
		*@return string $hex the hexified string
		function _bin2hex($str) {
			$hex = "";
			$i = 0;
			do {
				$hex .= sprintf("%02X", ord($str[$i]));
			} while ($i < strlen($str));
			return $hex;

         * Extracts the map object for the xref table
		 * @note PDF lines should have been previouly been parsed to make this work
		 * @return array a map that holds the xrefstart infos and values
		function get_xref_table() {
			return $this->value_entries['$_XREF_$'];

         * Extracts the offset of the xref table
		 * @note PDF lines should have been previouly been parsed to make this work
		 * @return int the xrefstart value
		function get_xref_start() {
			return $this->value_entries['$_XREF_$']["infos"]["start"]["pointer"];

         * Extracts the line where the offset of the xref table is stored
		 * @note PDF lines should have been previouly been parsed to make this work
		 * @return int the wished line number
		function get_xref_start_line() {
			return $this->value_entries['$_XREF_$']["infos"]["start"]["line"];

         * Calculates the offset of the xref table
		 * @return int the wished xrefstart offset value
		function get_xref_start_value() {
			return $xref_start+$size_shift;

         * Read the offset of the xref table directly from file content
         * @note content has been previously been defined in $this->buffer
		 * @param int $object_id an object id, a integer value starting from 1
		 * @return int the wished xrefstart offset value
		function read_xref_start_value() {
			$chunks = preg_split('/\bxref\b/', $buffer, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
			return intval($chunks[1][1])-4; //-4 , relative to end of xref

         * Calculates the new offset/xref for this object id by applying the offset_shift due to value changes
         * @note uses internally precalculated $offsets,$positions and $shifts
		 * @param int $object_id an object id, a integer value starting from 1
		 * @return int the wished offset
		function get_offset_object_value($object_id) {

			//Static is to keep forever...
			static $offsets=null;
			static $positions=null;
			static $shifts=null;

			if(is_null($offsets)) { //...variables content set once. This is the beauty of php :)

				//!NOTE: xref table is ordered by object id (position's object is not defined linearly in the pdf !)
				//Makes it 0 indexed as object id starts from 1 and positions starts from 0
				//Shifts are already 0 indexed, don't change.

			$shift=$shifts[$p]; //size shift of the object due to value changes
			return $offset+$shift;

         * Reads the offset of the xref table directly from file content
         * @note content has been previously been defined in $this->buffer
		 * @param int $object_id an object id, a integer value starting from 1
		 * @return int the wished offset
		function read_offset_object_value($object_id) {
			$previous_object_footer='';//'endobj' or comment;
			$object_header=$previous_object_footer.'\n'.$object_id.' 0 obj';
			$chars = preg_split('/'.$object_header.'/', $buffer, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
			return $offset;

         * Fix the offset of the xref table
		function fix_xref_start() {


			if($calculate_xrefstart_value) {
				$xref_start_value_calculated=$this->get_xref_start_value(); //get computed value from old one
				if(!$this->safe_mode) $xref_start_value=$xref_start_value_calculated;

			if($extract_xrefstart_value_from_file) {
				$xref_start_value_safe=$this->read_xref_start_value();//read direct from new file content
				if($this->safe_mode) $xref_start_value=$xref_start_value_safe;

			if($this->check_mode) { //Compared calculated value with position value read direct from file
				if($xref_start_value_calculated != $xref_start_value_safe) {
					if($verbose_fix) echo "<br>xrefstart's value must be $xref_start_value_safe calculated is $xref_start_value_calculated.Don't worry, FPDFM-merge will fix it for you.<br>";
					$xref_start_value=$xref_start_value_safe; //Overrides with the good value
					    $this->Error("Halt on error mode enabled, aborting. Use \$pdf->set_modes('halt',false); to disable this mode and go further fixing corrupted pdf.");
				} else {
					if($verbose_fix) echo "<br>xrefstart's value for the file is correct and vaults <b>$xref_start_value</b>";

			//updates xrefstart's value

         * Get the offsets table 0 indexed
		 * @return array $offsets
		function _get_offsets_starting_from_zero() {
			return array_values($offsets);

         * Sorts the position array by key
		 * @return array $positions the ordered positions
		function _get_positions_ordered() {
			return $positions;

         * Fix the xref table by rebuilding its offsets entries
		function fix_xref_table() {


			//Do some checks

			if($xLen == $oLen) { // rectify xref entries

				//jump over len and header, this is the first entry with n

				//echo "xREF:{$pdf_entries[$first_xref_entry_line]}";

				//!NOTE: xref table is ordered by object id (position's object is not defined linearly in the pdf !)

				//Get new file content (ie with values changed)

				for($i=0;$i<$xLen;$i++) {


					//Try two way to retrieve xref offset value of an object of the given id

					if($calculate_offset_value) {
						if(!$this->safe_mode) $offset_value=$offset_value_calculated;

					if($extract_offset_value_from_file) {
						if($this->safe_mode) $offset_value=$offset_value_read;

					if($this->check_mode) {
						if($offset_value_calculated !=  $offset_value_read)  {
							if($verbose_fix) echo "<br>Offset for object $obj_id read is <b>$offset_value_read</b>, calculated $offset_value_calculated";
							$offset_value=$offset_value_read; //overrides to fix bad values
							if($this->halt_mode) $this->Error("<br>Offset for object $obj_id read is <b>$offset_value_read</b>, calculated $offset_value_calculated");
						}else {
							if($verbose_fix) echo "<br>Offset for object $obj_id is correct and vaults <b>$offset_value</b>";
					$pdf_entries[$first_xref_entry_line+$i]=sprintf('%010d 00000 n ',$offset_value);

			}else {
				//Congratulations you won the corrupted Error Prize
				$this->Error("Number of objects ($oLen) differs with number of xrefs ($xLen), something , pdf xref table is corrupted :(");


         * Applies a shift offset $shift from the object whose id is given as param
         * @note offset shift will affect the next objects taking into accound the order they appear in the file
         * @access public
         * @param int object_id the id whose size shift has changed
		 * @param int offset_shift the shift value to use
		function apply_offset_shift_from_object($object_id,$offset_shift) {
			//get the position of object
			//get the next object position
			//Applies offset change to next following objects

         * Applies a shift offset $shift starting at the index $from to the shifts array
         * @access private
         * @param int from  the index to start apply the shift
		 * @param int shift the shift value to use
		function _apply_offset_shift($from,$shift) {

			foreach($offsets as $key=>$value) {
				if($key>=$from) {


         * Decodes a PDF value according to the encoding
		 * @access public
         * @param string $encoding  the encoding to use for decoding the value, only 'hex' is supported
		 * @param string value a value to decode
		 * @return string the value decoded
		function decodeValue($encoding,$value) {
			//echo "Decoding $encoding value($value)";
			return $value;

		*Retrieve the list of supported filters
		*@note Uses $FPDM_FILTERS array built dynamically
		*@param String $sep a separator to merge filter names, default is '|'
		*@return String the suported filters
		function getFilters($sep="|") {
			return implode($sep,$this->FPDM_FILTERS);

		*Get a filter by name
		*@param name a string matching one of the supported default filters (marked with +)		*
		*Without parameters:
		*+	ASCIIHexDecode : Decodes data encoded in an ASCII hexadecimal representation, reproducing the original binary data.
		*+	ASCII85Decode  : Decodes data encoded in an ASCII base-85 representation, reproducing the original binary data.
		*	RunLengthDecode : Decompresses data encoded using a byte-oriented run-length encoding algorithm, reproducing the original text or binary data (typically monochrome image data, or any data that contains frequent long runs of a single byte value).
		*	JPXDecode : (PDF 1.5) Decompresses data encoded using the wavelet-based JPEG2000 standard, reproducing the original image data.
		*With parameter(s):
		*+  LZWDecode      : Decompresses data encoded using the LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) adaptive compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data.
		*+	FlateDecode (PDF 1.2): Decompresses data encoded using the zlib/deflate compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data.
		*   CCITTFaxDecode : Decompresses data encoded using the CCITT facsimile standard, reproducing the original data (typically monochrome image data at 1 bit per pixel).
		*   JBIG2Decode (PDF 1.4) :Decompresses data encoded using the JBIG2 standard, reproducing the original monochrome (1 bit per pixel) image data (or an approximation of that data).
		*   DCTDecode : Decompresses data encoded using a DCT (discrete cosine transform) technique based on the JPEG standard, reproducing image sample data that approximates the original data.
		*	Crypt (PDF 1.5) :Decrypts data encrypted by a security handler, reproducing the data as it was before encryption.
		*@return the wished filter class to access the stream
		function getFilter($name) {

			switch($name) {
				case "LZWDecode":
					$filter=new FilterLZW();
				case "ASCIIHexDecode":
					$filter=new FilterASCIIHex();
				case "ASCII85Decode":
					$filter=new FilterASCII85();
				case "FlateDecode":
					$filter=new FilterFlate();
				case "Standard": //Raw
					$filter=new FilterStandard();
					$this->Error("getFilter cannot open stream of object because filter '{$name}' is not supported, sorry.");

			return $filter;

		//========= Stream manipulation stuff (alpha, not used by now!) ================

         * Detect if the stream has a textual content
		 * @access public
         * @param string $stream the string content of the stream
         * @return boolean
		function is_text_stream($stream_content) {
			return preg_match("/(\s*Td\s+[\<\(])([^\>\)]+)([\>\)]\s+Tj)/",$stream_content);

         * changes the text value of a text stream
		 * @access public
         * @param array $stream  the stream defintion retrieved during PDF parsing
         * @param string $value the new text value
		function change_stream_value($stream,$value) {



			if($is_text_stream) {



				for($l=$lMin;$l<=$lMax;$l++) {

					if($l==$lMin) {

						//Update the length

						$stream_def=preg_replace("/\/Length\s*(\d+)/",'/Length '.$NewLen,$stream_def);


						//update the filter type...
						if($verbose_parsing) {
							echo "<pre>";
							echo htmlentities(print_r($stream_def,true));
							echo "</pre>";

						// filter Standard
						$stream_def=preg_replace($this->streams_filter,'/Standard ',$stream_def);


						//Update the shift

					}else if($lmin!=$lMax) {

				if($verbose_parsing) {

         * Overrides value between  Td and TJ, ommiting <>
         * @note core method
		 * @access private
         * @param array $stream  the stream defintion retrieved during PDF parsing
         * @param string $value the new text value
        function _set_text_value($stream,$value) {
			return $stream;


		function _extract_pdf_definition_value($name,$line,&$match) {

				if(!$value) { //value is concatained with name: /name/value
				return $value;

		function extract_pdf_definition_value($name,$line,&$match) {

				if(array_key_exists($name,$this->FPDM_REGEXPS)) {
					$this->Error("extract_pdf_definition_value() does not support definition '$name'");

				/*if($name=="/Type") {
					if(preg_match("/\//",$line,$foo)) {
					die("Decoding $name value in line ".htmlentities($line));
				return $value;

         * Parses the lines entries of a PDF
		 * @access public
         * @param array $lines  the FDF content as an array of lines
		 * @return integer the number of lines the PDF has
		function parsePDFEntries(&$lines){


           $CountLines = count($entries);

            $obj=0; //this is an invalid object id, we use it to know if we are into an object
			$default_maxLen=0; //No limit
			$default_tooltip_line=0; //Tooltip is optional as it may not be defined
			$n=0; //Position of an object, in the order it is declared in the pdf file
			$id_def=false; //true when parsing/decoding trailer ID
			$id_single_line_def=false; //true when the two ID chunks are one the same line
			$id_multi_line_def=false; //true or OpenOffice 3.2


            if($this->verbose) $this->dumpContent("Starting to parse $CountLines entries","PDF parse");

			while ( $Counter < $CountLines ){

                $CurLine = $entries[$Counter];

                if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent($CurLine,"====Parsing Line($Counter)");
				if(!$xref_table) {

					//Header of an object?
					if(preg_match("/^(\d+) (\d+) obj/",$CurLine,$match)) {
							if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent($CurLine,"====Opening object($obj) at line $Counter");

					} else {

						//Object has been opened
						if($obj) {

							//Footer of an object?
							if(preg_match("/endobj/",$CurLine,$match)) {
								if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("","====Closing object($obj) at line $Counter");

								//We process fields here, save only Annotations texts that are supported by now
								if(($type=='Annot')&&($subtype=="Widget")) {

									if($name != '') {
										if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("$type $subtype (obj id=$obj) is a text annotation of name '$name', saves it.");
//										$this->Error("$type $subtype (obj id=$obj) is a text annotation without a name, this cannot be.");


									//Sanity values checks, watchdog.
//									if(!array_key_exists("current",$values)) $this->Error("Cannot find value (/V) for field $name");
//									if(!array_key_exists("default",$values)) $this->Error("Cannot find default value (/DV) for field $name");

									if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("Object $type $subtype (obj id=$obj) is not supported");


							} else {

								if(preg_match("/\/Length\s*(\d+)/",$CurLine,$match)) {
									if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent($CurLine,"->Stream filter length definition(<font color=\"darkorange\">{$match[1]}</font>) for object($obj) at line $Counter");

								//Handles single filter /Filter /filter_type as well as well as filter chains such as /Filter [/filter_type1 /filter_type2 .../filter_typeN]
								if(preg_match_all($this->streams_filter,$CurLine,$matches)) {

									$stream_filter=trim(preg_replace('/(<<|\/Length\s*\d+|>>)/', '', $stream_filter),' ');
									$stream["filters"]=array("line"=>$Counter, "type"=>$stream_filters);
									if($verbose_parsing) {
										$stream_filter=implode(" ",$stream_filters);
										$this->dumpContent($CurLine,"->Stream filter type definition(<font color=\"darkorange\">$stream_filter</font>) for object($obj) at line $Counter");

								if(array_key_exists("length",$stream)) { //length is mandatory

									if(preg_match("/\b(stream|endstream)\b/",$CurLine,$match)) {

										if(!array_key_exists("filters",$stream))  {//filter type is optional, if none is given, its standard

											if($verbose_parsing) {
												$this->dumpContent($CurLine,"->No stream filter type definition for object($obj) was found, setting it to '<font color=\"darkorange\">Standard</font>'");

										if($match[1] == "stream") {
											if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent($CurLine,"->Opening stream for object($obj) at line $Counter");
										}else {





											//now process the stream, ie unpack it if needed
											//by decoding in the reverse order the streams have been encoded
											//This is done by applying decode using the filters in the order given by /Filter.
											foreach($filters as $filter_name) {

												if($verbose_decoding) {
													echo "<br><font color=\"blue\"><u>Stream decoded using filter '<font color=\"darkorange\">$filter_name</font>'</u>:[<pre>";
													var_dump($stream_content); //todo : manipulate this content and adjust offsets.
													echo "</pre>]</font>";

											if($verbose_parsing) {

												echo "<font color=\"blue\">";
												if($this->is_text_stream($stream_content)) {
													echo "<u>Stream text unfiltered</u>:[<pre>";
												} else {
													echo "<u>Stream unfiltered</u>:[<pre>";
												echo "</pre>]</font>";
												$this->dumpContent($CurLine,"->Closing stream for object($obj) at line $Counter");

									}else if($stream["start"]>0){
										//stream content line that will be processed on endstream...

								} else {

									/CreationDate (D:20101225151810+01'00')>>
									if(($creator=='')&&preg_match("/\/Creator\<([^\>]+)\>/",$CurLine,$values)) {
										if($verbose_parsing) echo("Creator read ($creator)");

									if(($producer=='')&&preg_match("/\/Producer\<([^\>]+)\>/",$CurLine,$values)) {
										if($verbose_parsing) echo("Producer read ($producer)");

									if(($creationDate=='')&&preg_match("/\/CreationDate\(([^\)]+)\)/",$CurLine,$values)) {
										if($verbose_parsing) echo("Creation date read ($creationDate)");

									//=== DEFINITION ====
									if(($type=='')||($subtype=='')||($name=="")) {

										if(($type=='')&&$this->extract_pdf_definition_value("/Type",$CurLine,$match)) {

											if($match[1]!='Border') {
												if($verbose_parsing) echo("<br>Object's type is '<i>$type</i>'");

										if(($subtype=='')&&$this->extract_pdf_definition_value("/Subtype",$CurLine,$match)) {

											if($verbose_parsing) echo("<br>Object's subType is '<i>$subtype</i>'");

										if(($name=="")&&preg_match("/^\/T\s?\((.+)\)\s*$/",$this->_protectContentValues($CurLine),$match)) {

											if($verbose_parsing) echo ("Object's name is '<i>$name</i>'");

											$object["infos"]["name"]=$name; //Keep a track

											//$this->dumpContent(" Name [$name]");

									}// else {

										//=== CONTENT ====

										//=== Now, start the serious work , read DV, V Values and eventually TU
										//note if(preg_match_all("/^\/(V|DV)\s+(\<|\))([^\)\>]+)(\)|\>)/",$CurLine,$matches)) {
										//do not work as all is encoded on the same line...
										if(preg_match("/^\/(V|DV|TU)\s+([\<\(])/",$CurLine,$def)) {

											//get an human readable format of value type and encoding

											if($def[1] == "TU") {
											} else {
												$valuetype=($def[1] == "DV") ? "default" : "current";
												$object["values"]["$valuetype"]=$Counter; //Set a marker to process lately

											$encoding=($def[2]=="<") ? "hex" : "plain";

											if(preg_match("/^\/(V|DV|TU)\s+(\<|\)|\()([^\)\>]*)(\)|\>\))/",$CurLine,$values)) {

												$this->dumpContent("$type $subtype (obj id=$obj) has $encoding $valuetype value [$value] at line $Counter");

										}else if(preg_match("/^\/MaxLen\s+(\d+)/",$CurLine,$values)) {
										} else
											if($verbose_parsing) echo("WARNING: definition ignored");

										if(substr($CurLine,0,7)=='/Fields' && !$this->needAppearancesTrue) {
											$CurLine='/NeedAppearances true '.$CurLine;

										//TODO: Fetch the XObject..and change Td <> Tj
/*										if(preg_match("/^\/AP/",$CurLine,$values)) {
											$CurLine=''; //clear link to Xobject

//									}




						//~~~~~Xref table header? ~~~~~~
						if(preg_match("/\bxref\b/",$CurLine,$match)) {

							if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("->Starting xref table at line $Counter:[$CurLine]");
							$start_pointer=$this->pointer+strpos($CurLine,"xref"); //HACK for PDFcreator 1.0.0

			} else {
					//We are inside the xref table
					switch($xref_table) {
						case 2:
							if(preg_match("/^(\d+) (\d+)/",$CurLine,$match)) {
								$refs_count=intval($match[2]);//xref_table length+1 (includes this line)
								if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("Xref table length is $refs_count");
								if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("WARNING: Xref table length ignored!");
						case 3:
							//Should be 0000000000 65535 f
							if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("this is Xref table header, should be 0000000000 65535 f ");
							//xref entries
							if($refs_count>0) {

								if($refs_count == 1) {//Last one , due to the shift, is the trailer
									if(!preg_match("/^trailer/",$CurLine)) //if not, Houston we have a problem
										$this->Error("xref_table length corrupted?: Trailer not found at expected!");
								}else {
									if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("Xref table entry for object $xref found.");
							} else { //We are inside the trailer

								if($trailer_table==1) { //should be <<

									if(trim($CurLine) != '') { //HACK: PDFCreator Version 1.0.0 has an extra CR after trailer
											$this->Error("trailer_table corrupted?; missing start delimiter << ");

								}else if(($trailer_table>0)&&((!is_null($id_def))||preg_match("/^\/(Size|Root|Info|ID|DocChecksum)/",$CurLine,$match))) {

									//Value can be extracted using (\d+|\[[^\]]+\])
									if(preg_match("/\/Size (\d+)/",$CurLine,$match)) {
										//Seems to match with xref entries count..
										if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("Size read ($size_read) for pdf found.");

									if(preg_match("/^\/ID\s*\[\s*<([\da-fA-F]+)/",$CurLine,$match)) {
										if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("ID chunk one ($oid) for pdf found.");

										//Determines if the ID definition is one line...


									if($id_def) {//we are inside the ID definition
										if($id_single_line_def||$id_multi_line_def) {
											//decode the second ID chunk
											if(preg_match("/([\da-fA-F]+)>.*$/",$CurLine,$match)) {
												if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("ID chunk two ($tid) for pdf found.");
												$this->Error("trailer_table corrupted?; ID chunk two can not be decoded ");
										} else

									if(preg_match("/^\/DocChecksum \/([\da-fA-F]+)/",$CurLine,$match)) {
										if($verbose_parsing) $this->dumpContent("Checksum read ($checksum) for pdf found.");

										$trailer_table=-1;//negative value: expects startxref to follow

								} else {

									switch($trailer_table) {
										case -1://startxref
											$this->Error("startxref tag expected, read $CurLine");
										case -2://startxref's value
											if(preg_match("/^(\d+)/",$CurLine,$match)) {
												$this->Error("startxref value expected, read $CurLine");




                $this->pointer=$this->pointer+strlen($CurLine)+1; //+1 due to \n

			if($this->verbose) {

				$refs=(array_key_exists('$_XREF_$',$lines)) ? $lines['$_XREF_$']["infos"]["count"] : 0;
				if($refs) {
					$this->dumpContent("PDF parse retrieved $refs refs");
				}else {
					$this->dumpContent("PDF parse retrieved no refs, seems the xref table is broken or inacessible, this is bad!");

			return count($lines);

         * Protect ( ) that may be in value or names
		 * @access protected
         * @param string $content  the FDF content to protect values
		 * @return string the content protected
		function _protectContentValues($content) {
		   return $content;

         * Unprotect ( ) that may be in value or names
		 * @access protected
         * @param string $content  the FDF content with protected values
		 * @return string the content unprotected
		function _unprotectContentValues($content) {
		   return $content;

         * Parses the content of a FDF file and saved extracted field data
		 *@access public
		 *@return array $fields the data of the fields parsed
		function parseFDFContent(){

		   $content=$this->_protectContentValues($content);//protect ( ) that may be in value or names...

		   if($this->verbose) $this->dumpEntries($content,"FDF parse");

		   // that this regexp can do its job without annoyances
			if(preg_match_all("/(T|V)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*\/(T|V)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)/", $content,$matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {

				for($f=0;$f<$fMax;$f++) {
					if($matches[1][$f]=="V") {
							$this->Error("Field $f ignored , incomplete field declaration, name is expected");
					} else {
						if($matches[1][$f]=="T") {
								$this->Error("Field $f ignored , incomplete field declaration, value is expected");
						} else
							$this->Error("Field $f ignored , Invalid field keys ({$matches[0][$f]})");
					if($name!='') {
							 $this->Error("Field $f ignored , already defined");
						else {
								$this->dumpContent("FDF field [$name] has its value set to \"$value\"");
					} else
						$this->Error("Field $f ignored , no name");

			} else
				if($this->verbose) $this->dumpContent($fields,"FDF has no fields",false);

			if($this->verbose) $this->dumpContent($fields,"FDF parsed",false);

			return $fields;

         * Close the opened file
        function closeFile() {
        	if (isset($this->f) && is_resource($this->f)) {

         * Print Error and die
         * @param string $msg  Error-Message
        function Error($msg) {
        	die('<b>FPDF-Merge Error:</b> '.$msg);




以上是关于php 更新版本的FPDM以解决范围问题。的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

我必须使用啥 PDF 格式或属性才能使 FPDM 工作?


谈谈oracle里的joinleft joinright joinfull join-版本2

Xamarin - 如何更新 Mono.Android 版本以解决依赖关系?

laravel根目录下如何解决在composer install时提示php版本需要更新?

Clickonce 下载更新 值不在预期范围内问题!