php 改变商店循环功能的动作钩位置并在Finale倒数计时器或计数器栏中挂钩



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了php 改变商店循环功能的动作钩位置并在Finale倒数计时器或计数器栏中挂钩相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


 * Add This whole code in working theme functions.php inside php tag to alter woocommerce shop loop native position
 * Theme: X Store
 * Plugin: Finale - WooCommerce Sales Countdown Timer & Discount Plugin
add_action('wp', 'wcct_xstore_modify_positions', 99);
if (!function_exists('wcct_xstore_modify_positions')) {

    function wcct_xstore_modify_positions() {
        if (function_exists('WCCT_Core')) {
            $wcct_appearance_instance = WCCT_Core()->appearance;

            // removing after shop loop hook
            remove_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', array($wcct_appearance_instance, 'wcct_bar_timer_show_on_grid'), 9);

            // hooking after shop loop function 
            add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', array($wcct_appearance_instance, 'wcct_bar_timer_show_on_grid'), 20);


 * Call Counter Bar in product loop below product name using shortcode.
 * This inherit product's bar settings and follow campaign rules.
add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'wcct_xstore_shop_loop_bar_display', 22);
if (!function_exists('wcct_xstore_shop_loop_bar_display')) {
  function wcct_xstore_shop_loop_bar_display() {
	  echo do_shortcode('[finale_counter_bar skip_rules="no"]');

 * Call Counter Bar in product loop below product name using direct function.
 * Here you can change params as per your need. i.e. modify styling/ text etc.
add_filter("wcct_add_bar_to_grid", "wcct_xstore_add_bar_to_grid");
if (!function_exists('wcct_xstore_add_bar_to_grid')) {
  function wcct_xstore_add_bar_to_grid($grid_bar){
    $grid_bar = array(
        'skin' => 'stripe_animate',
        'edge' => 'smooth',
        'orientation' => 'rtl',
        'height' => '12',
        'bg_color' => '#dddddd',
        'active_color' => '#ee303c',
        'display' => "Plus que <span>{{remaining_units}}</span> disponibles\n{{counter_bar}}",
        'border_width' => '0',
        'border_color' => '#444444',
        'border_style' => 'solid',
        'delay' => 'off',
        'delay_items' => '1',
    return $grid_bar;

 * Call Countdown Timer in product loop below product name using shortcode.
 * This inherit product's timer settings and follow campaign rules.
add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'wcct_xstore_shop_loop_timer_display', 24);
if (!function_exists('wcct_xstore_shop_loop_timer_display')) {
  function wcct_xstore_shop_loop_timer_display() {
	  echo do_shortcode('[finale_countdown_timer skip_rules="no"]');

 * Call Countdown Timer in product loop below product name using direct function.
 * Here you can change params as per your need. i.e. modify styling/ text etc.
add_filter("wcct_add_timer_to_grid", "wcct_xstore_add_timer_to_grid");
if (!function_exists('wcct_xstore_add_timer_to_grid')) {
  function wcct_xstore_add_timer_to_grid($grid_timer){
      $grid_timer = array(
          'skin' => 'round_fill',
          'bg_color' => '#666667',
          'label_color' => '#ffffff',
          'timer_font' => '15',
          'label_font' => '12',
          'display' => "{{countdown_timer}}",
          'label_days' => 'jours',
          'label_hrs' => 'hrs',
          'label_mins' => 'mins',
          'label_secs' => 'secs',
          'border_width' => '0',
          'border_color' => '#444444',
          'border_style' => 'solid',
      return $grid_timer;

以上是关于php 改变商店循环功能的动作钩位置并在Finale倒数计时器或计数器栏中挂钩的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

在获取数据w / subscribe之后我发送动作时的无限循环

php 理解动作的概念并在wordpress中过滤


php WooCommerce改变'回到商店'网址

php WooCommerce改变'回到商店'网址

php WooCommerce改变'回到商店'网址