* Script sample comes from WP SiteCare's carelib
* https://github.com/wpsitecare/carelib
* A simplified version of Gary Jones Genesis JS
* https://github.com/GaryJones/genesis-js-no-js/
* This produces what the Genesis Sample Theme does in the
* 'responsive-menu.js' but moves it to a small inline script that
* is added after the opening <body> tag.
* Unlike Gary's sample i've skipped adding a no-js body tag as the
* Genesis Sample Theme does not include it and all styles tied to a
* JS interaction are styled with .js
* If you use this action, you will need to go into 'responsive-menu.js'
* and remove line 6 '$( 'body' ).addClass( 'js' );'.
// Add JS after opening <body> to append .js to body tag in Genesis
add_action( 'genesis_before', 'pb_add_js_body_class' );
function pb_add_js_body_class() {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.body.classList.add("js");</script>' . "\n";