php 允许在自定义程序中的窗口小部件中使用高级自定义字段的插件



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了php 允许在自定义程序中的窗口小部件中使用高级自定义字段的插件相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Plugin Name: ACF Customizer Patch
Plugin URI:
Description: A class to allow acf widget fields to be stored with normal widget settings and allow for use in customizer.
Author: Mark Fabrizio
Version: 1.0
Author URI:
class acf_customizer_patch
  protected $_capture_options = false;
  protected $_captured_options = array();
  protected $_instance;
  public function __construct()
    add_filter('widget_display_callback', array($this, 'before_widget_display'), 20, 3);
    add_filter('in_widget_form',          array($this, 'before_edit_form'),       9, 3);
    add_filter('widget_update_callback',  array($this, 'before_save_acf_fields'), 9, 3);
    add_filter('pre_update_option',       array($this, 'pre_update_option'),      8, 3);
    add_filter('widget_update_callback',  array($this, 'after_save_acf_fields'), 11, 3);
    // need to include the acf input scripts
    // This could be included in the 'acf_input_listener' class
    add_action('customize_controls_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_footer'), 20 );
  public function admin_footer() {
   * There may be a better way to find out if we are in the customizer,
   * but this works for now. If someone has a better way, let me know.
  protected function in_customizer()
    return @$_REQUEST['wp_customize'] == 'on' || basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'customize.php';
   * @wp.filter       widget_display_callback
   * @wp.priority     20
  public function before_widget_display( $instance, $widget, $args )
    $this->prepare_widget_options( $widget, $instance );
    return $instance;
   * @wp.filter       in_widget_form
   * @wp.priority     9
  public function before_edit_form( $widget, $return, $instance )
    $this->prepare_widget_options( $widget, $instance );
    return $widget;
  public function prepare_widget_options( $widget, $instance )
    $this->_instance = $instance;
    $field_groups = acf_get_field_groups(array(
      'widget'  => $widget->id_base
    if( count( $field_groups ) ) foreach( $field_groups as $group  ){
      $fields = acf_get_fields( $group );
      if( count($fields) ) foreach( $fields as $field ){
        $name = $field['name'];
        add_filter("pre_option_widget_{$widget->id}_{$name}", array($this, 'pre_get_option') );
    return $widget;
  public function pre_get_option( $value )
    $filter = current_filter();
    $name = str_replace('pre_option_widget_', '', $filter);
    preg_match('/(.+\-\d+?)_(.+)/', $name, $matches );
    list( $full, $widget_id, $var ) = $matches;
    if( $this->_instance && isset( $this->_instance[$var] ) ) return $this->_instance[$var];
    return $value;
   * @wp.filter       widget_update_callback
   * @wp.priority     9
  public function before_save_acf_fields( $instance, $new_instance, $old_instance )
    global $wp_customize;
    $this->_capture_options = true;
    if( $this->in_customizer() )
      remove_filter( 'pre_update_option', array( $wp_customize->widgets, 'capture_filter_pre_update_option' ), 10);
    return $instance;
   * @wp.filter       pre_update_option
   * @wp.priority     8
  public function pre_update_option( $value, $option, $old_value )
    global $wp_customize;
    if( !$this->_capture_options ) return $value;
    if( preg_match('/^([^_].+\-\d+?)_(.+)/', $option, $matches ) ){
      $this->_captured_options[$matches[2]] = $value;
    // if this is not an acf field, this should be the actual
    // widget option (which needs to be captured by the customizer)
    if( !preg_match('/^(.+\-\d+?)_(.+)/', $option ) && $this->in_customizer() ){
      $wp_customize->widgets->capture_filter_pre_update_option( $value, $option, $old_value );
     return $this->in_customizer() ? $old_value : $value;
   * @wp.filter       widget_update_callback
   * @wp.priority     11
  public function after_save_acf_fields( $instance, $new_instance, $old_instance )
    $instance = array_merge( $instance, $this->_captured_options );
    $this->_capture_options = false;
    return $instance;

$acf_customizer_patch = new acf_customizer_patch();

以上是关于php 允许在自定义程序中的窗口小部件中使用高级自定义字段的插件的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

使用 Qt GUI 编写 c++ dll,在自定义小部件中显示失败

找不到有关如何在自定义小部件中使用 ListView 的正确布局选项

Flutter 小部件包裹在自定义小部件中


DOJO:onClick 并不总是在自定义小部件中调用

姜戈。 TemplateDoesNotExist 在自定义小部件的情况下