function sleepSort(array/* : int[] */, cb) {
var result = []
array.forEach(i => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (result.length === array.length) cb(result)
}, i * 1000) // it doesn't need to sleep this long, but it's consistent with bash version
function sleepSortFast(array/* : float[] */, cb) {
var maxDigits = array.reduce((result, i) => {
var digits = (('' + i).match(/\d+\.?(\d*)$/) || [null, ''])[1].length
return Math.max(result, digits)
}, 0)
var delayFactorMs = (Math.pow(10, maxDigits)) // how long we have to wait
var result = []
array.forEach(i => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (result.length === array.length) cb(result)
}, (i * delayFactorMs) + (i * 10)) // a bit of buffer time