// The expression that we pass doesn't have to be a boolean, could be anything that can be evaluated to a thruthy or a falsy expression in javascript.
// ng-show / ng-hide doesn't remove element from DOM, more similar to jquery show/hide
// ng-if removes the element from the DOM
// ng-switch is a powerful version of ng-if
// shows if movie.popular == true :
<p ng-show="movie.popular">This movie is popular!</p>
// hides if movie.year < 2000
<p ng-hide="movie.year < '2000'">{{ movie.year }}</p>
<p ng-if="movie.popular">This movie is popular!</p>
<p ng-if="!movie.popular">This movie is not popular!</p>
<div ng-switch="movie.category">
<p ng-switch-when="action">Action movie!</p>
<p ng-switch-when="fantasy">Fantasy movie!</p>
<p ng-switch-default>No category</p>