function removeDupes(str) {
const uniqueChars = []
const chars = {}
for(let i=0; i < str.length; i++){ // O(n)
const thisItem = str[i]
// I'm checking if inside of the object Chars there is
// the letter with a true value which means that it found
// that element into the object so does not fo anything
// else it add it to the uniqueChars array and also
// add it into the object to search for it int the loop
// And I do that because searching trough an object is instantaneous O(1)
// rather than use includes which lopps trough the whole array
if(chars[thisItem] === true){ // O(1)
chars[thisItem] = true
return uniqueChars.join('')
//removeDupes('abcd'), // abcd
removeDupes('aabbccdd'), // abcd
//removeDupes('abababcdcdcd'), // abcd
// Time: O(n)
// Space: O(n)