var john = {
name: 'John',
age: 26,
job: 'teacher',
presentation: function (style, timeOfDay) {
if(style === 'formal') {
console.log('Good' + timeOfDay + ', Ladies and gentlemen. I\'m' + this.name + ', I\'m ' + this.job);
} else if (style === 'friendly') {
console.log('Hey! What\'s up? I\'m ' + this.name + ', I\'m a ' + this.job + ' and I\'m ' + this.age + ' years old. Have a nice ' + timeOfDay + '.');
var emily = {
name: 'Emily',
age: 35,
job: 'designer'
john.presentation('formal', 'morning');
john.presentation.call(emily, 'friendly', 'afternoon');
//Apply is the same as call but expects parameters in an array
//Bind function assign the function that we call to a variable and we can preset some arguments in advance
var johnFriendly = john.presentation.bind(john, 'friendly');
var emilyFormal = john.presentation.bind(emily, 'formal');
// Another example of bind
var years = [1990, 1965, 1937, 2005, 1998];
function arrayCalc(arr, fn) {
var arrRes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
return arrRes;
function calculateAge(el) {
return 2016 - el;
function isFullAge(limit, el) {
return el >= limit;
var ages = arrayCalc(years, calculateAge);
var fullJapan = arrayCalc(ages, isFullAge.bind(this, 20));