## Real world example
Extending our door example from Simple Factory. Based on your needs you might get a wooden door from a wooden door shop, iron door from an iron shop or a PVC door from the relevant shop. Plus you might need a guy with different kind of specialities to fit the door, for example a carpenter for wooden door, welder for iron door etc. As you can see there is a dependency between the doors now, wooden door needs carpenter, iron door needs a welder etc.
## In plain words
A factory of factories a factory that groups the individual but related/dependent factories together without specifying their concrete classes.
## Wikipedia says
The abstract factory pattern provides a way to encapsulate a group of individual factories that have a common theme without specifying their concrete classes
## When to use?
When there are interrelated dependencies with not-that-simple creation logic involved
Door interface :
class WoodenDoor {
getDescription() {
console.log('I am a wooden door')
class IronDoor {
getDescription() {
console.log('I am an iron door')
DoorFittingExpert interface :
class Welder {
getDescription() {
console.log('I can only fit iron doors')
class Carpenter {
getDescription() {
console.log('I can only fit wooden doors')
DoorFactory interface :
// Wooden factory to return carpenter and wooden door
class WoodenDoorFactory {
return new WoodenDoor()
makeFittingExpert() {
return new Carpenter()
// Iron door factory to get iron door and the relevant fitting expert
class IronDoorFactory {
return new IronDoor()
makeFittingExpert() {
return new Welder()
woodenFactory = new WoodenDoorFactory()
door = woodenFactory.makeDoor()
expert = woodenFactory.makeFittingExpert()
door.getDescription() // Output: I am a wooden door
expert.getDescription() // Output: I can only fit wooden doors
// Same for Iron Factory
ironFactory = new IronDoorFactory()
door = ironFactory.makeDoor()
expert = ironFactory.makeFittingExpert()
door.getDescription() // Output: I am an iron door
expert.getDescription() // Output: I can only fit iron doors