javascript 创建我们自己的阵列



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了javascript 创建我们自己的阵列相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

// Arrays are objects with numerical keys and a length property
const arr = []
typeof arr // "object"

const friendsArray = ['Jake', 'Jordyn', 'Mikenzi'] 
const friendsObj = {0: 'Jake', 1: 'Jordyn', 2: 'Mikenzi'} 
friendsArray[1] // Jordyn 
friendsObj[1] // Jordyn

// Create array function
function array() {
  // array needs to return an object with a length property that delegates to array.prototype (where we'll be putting all methods)
  let arr = Object.create(array.prototype);
  // arr.length = 0;
  // Specify the length property as non-enumerable (bc of the for in loop used in the filter method)
  Object.defineProperty(arr, 'length', {
    value: 0,
    enumerable: false,
    writable: true
  // Accept 'n' amount of arguments and add those numerical properties onto the object
  for (key in arguments) {
    arr[key] = arguments[key];
    arr.length += 1;
  return arr;

const friends = array('Jake', 'Mikenzi', 'Jordyn') 
friends[0] // Jake 
friends[2] // Jordyn 
friends.length // 3

// Add methods to the array prototype
array.prototype.push = function(element) {
  // 'this' references whatever instance called the specific method
  this[this.length] = element
  return this.length;

array.prototype.pop = function() {
  const elementToRemove = this[this.length]
  delete this[this.length];
  return elementToRemove;

array.prototype.filter = function(cb) {
  // Create new array
  let result = array();
  // loop over every key/value pair in the array.
  // LOOPS OVER ALL "ENUMERABLE" properties of an object, which means 'length' as defined in our "array" object as an enumerable property, which we don't want to count below in the for in loop
  for (let index in this) {
    if (this.hasOwnProperty(index)) { // Avoid prototype methods
      const element - this[index];
      if (cb(element, index)) { // if result of invocation is truthy, push the element to the result array
  return result

以上是关于javascript 创建我们自己的阵列的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Javascript 显示来自本地存储阵列的数据问题


在线性时间内创建图案化阵列 [重复]

使用Vue JS从阵列为每张卡创建带模态的卡片

VueJs - 将创建的项目推送到现有阵列并使其与其他现有项目一起显示
