text 戴尔看起来像DUNS SQL
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了text 戴尔看起来像DUNS SQL相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
--input file stats / DUNS Matches
from fulfillment.dbo.orderrequestdetail ord
where orderrequestid = 10659
--Match stats Summary / Total technology installs
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT DUNSNumber) as DUNS, COUNT(DISTINCT url_match) as 'Unique URLs', COUNT(*) as 'Installs'
from fulfillment.dbo.orderrequestdetail ord
join fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u on ord.DUNSNumber = u.dnb_duns_nbr
where orderrequestid = 10659
--Input locations that HG does not track any techs for
SELECT [DUNSNumber],ord.[Company],ord.[Address1],ord.[City],ord.[State],ord.[Zip], ord.url_match as URL, dd.dnb_out_bus_flag, dd.dnb_class_code, dd.dnb_sales_volume_us, dd.dnb_emp_here, dd.dnb_emp_total
from fulfillment.dbo.orderrequestdetail ord
LEFT join fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u on ord.DUNSNumber = u.dnb_duns_nbr
LEFT JOIN [Fulfillment].[dbo].[DemoDUNS] dd ON ord.dunsnumber = dd.dnb_duns_nbr
where orderrequestid = 10659 AND u.hit_id IS NULL
--Input locations that HG does not track any techs for at the DUNS, but does have techs tracked at the URL
SELECT [DUNSNumber],ord.[Company],ord.[Address1],ord.[City],ord.[State],ord.[Zip], ord.url_match as URL, dd.dnb_out_bus_flag, dd.dnb_class_code, dd.dnb_sales_volume_us, dd.dnb_emp_here, dd.dnb_emp_total
from fulfillment.dbo.orderrequestdetail ord
LEFT join fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u on ord.DUNSNumber = u.dnb_duns_nbr
LEFT JOIN [Fulfillment].[dbo].[DemoDUNS] dd ON ord.dunsnumber = dd.dnb_duns_nbr
JOIN [Fulfillment].[dbo].[ph_url_global_all] ph ON ord.url_match = ph.url
where orderrequestid = 10659 AND u.hit_id IS NULL
--product breakdown matched to DUNS
SELECT ord.[DUNSNumber],ord.[Company],ord.[Address1],ord.[City],ord.[State],ord.[Zip]
,[url_match] as URL,product_id as ProductID, Product, Vendor, category_parent as 'Category Parent', category as Category, isnull(Attribute,'') Attributes, count(*) as Installs
from fulfillment.dbo.orderrequestdetail ord
join fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u on ord.[DUNSNumber] = u.dnb_duns_nbr
where orderrequestid = 10659
Group BY product_id, product, vendor, category_parent, category, Attribute,
--Full tech stack of prospects
SELECT [DUNSNumber],ord.[Company],ord.[Address1],ord.[City],ord.[State],ord.[Zip],isnull([url_match],'') as URL,product_id as ProductID, Product, Vendor, date_first_verified 'Date First Verified',
date_last_verified as 'Date Last Verified', Intensity, category_parent as 'Category Parent', category as Category, isnull(Attribute,'') Attributes
from fulfillment.dbo.orderrequestdetail ord
join fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u on ord.DUNSNumber = u.dnb_duns_nbr
where orderrequestid = 10659
ORDER BY ord.DUNSNumber, vendor, product
--Dell products in use at Company when matching on URL
SELECT [DUNSNumber],ord.[Company],ord.[Address1],ord.[City],ord.[State],ord.[Zip],isnull([url_match],'') as URL,u.Company, u.City, u.State, u.Country, product_id as ProductID, Product, Vendor, date_first_verified 'Date First Verified',
date_last_verified as 'Date Last Verified', Intensity, category_parent as 'Category Parent', category as Category, isnull(Attribute,'') Attributes
from fulfillment.dbo.orderrequestdetail ord
join fulfillment.dbo.ph_url_location_all u on ord.url_match = u.url
where orderrequestid = 10659 AND vendor_id IN (132)
ORDER BY ord.DUNSNumber, vendor, product
--product breakdown for companies that use Dell Servers
SELECT product_id as ProductID, Product, Vendor, category_parent as 'Category Parent', category as Category, isnull(Attribute,'') Attributes, count(*) as Installs
from fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u
where dnb_duns_nbr IN (SELECT DISTINCT dnb_duns_nbr FROM fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core WHERE vendor_id IN (132, 145) AND category_id = 59)
Group BY product_id, product, vendor, category_parent, category, Attribute
--companies that do not use dell servers but do have target products
SELECT dnb_duns_nbr, count(*) as Installs
from fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u
where dnb_duns_nbr NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT dnb_duns_nbr FROM fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core WHERE vendor_id IN (132, 145) AND category_id = 59)
AND product_id IN (1319,10481,862,704,1041,12673,717,4663,4713,593,12671,737,993,4558,616,1347,6453,12476,12670,6496)
AND country = 'Canada'
Group BY dnb_duns_nbr
--sample company tech stack to target based on 'companies that do not use dell servers but do have target products'
SELECT TOP (1000) *
FROM [Fulfillment].[dbo].[ph_loc_duns_core]
where dnb_duns_nbr = '242997609'
order by vendor, product
--Dell Servers Count off the URL table
SELECT product_id as ProductID,
Product, Vendor,
category_parent as 'Category Parent',
category as Category,
isnull(Attribute,'') Attributes,
count(*) as Installs
from fulfillment.[dbo].[ph_url_global_all]
WHERE vendor_id IN (132, 145) AND category_id = 59
Group BY product_id, product, vendor, category_parent, category, Attribute
--ALL Servers Count off the URL table
SELECT company as 'company'
,Date_first_verified as 'DFV'
,Date_last_verified as 'DLV'
,intensity as 'intensity'
,revenue_range as 'revenue size'
,employees_range as 'employee size'
,top_level_industry as 'Industry'
,product as 'Product'
from fulfillment.[dbo].[ph_url_global_all]
WHERE vendor_id IN (132, 145) AND category_id = 59
ORDER BY intensity DESC
--companies not in Client DNB prospect match file do have same target products
SELECT --dnb_duns_nbr, count(*) as Installs
,Company as 'Company'
,dnb_duns_nbr as 'DUNS #'
,date_first_verified as 'DFV'
,date_last_verified as 'DLV'
,intensity as 'intensity'
from fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u
where dnb_duns_nbr NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT dnb_duns_nbr FROM fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core WHERE vendor_id IN (132, 145) AND category_id = 59)
AND product_id IN (1319,10481,862,704,1041,12673,717,4663,4713,593,12671,737,993,4558,616,1347,6453,12476,12670,6496)
AND country = 'Canada'
ORDER BY intensity DESC
--companies HG DNB File with same target products as Client DNB Prospect File
SELECT --dnb_duns_nbr, count(*) as Installs
,dnb_duns_nbr as 'DUNS #'
,date_first_verified as 'DFV'
,date_last_verified as 'DLV'
,intensity as 'intensity'
from fulfillment.dbo.ph_loc_duns_core u
where product_id IN (1319,10481,862,704,1041,12673,717,4663,4713,593,12671,737,993,4558,616,1347,6453,12476,12670,6496)
AND vendor_id NOT IN (132, 145)
AND NOT category_id = 59
AND country = 'Canada'
ORDER BY intensity DESC
以上是关于text 戴尔看起来像DUNS SQL的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
申请 DUNS 编号:“Apple Tracking Number”和“Purpose”