text Hive array,map,struct复杂数据结构
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了text Hive array,map,struct复杂数据结构相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
-- 参考链接: https://blog.csdn.net/sl1992/article/details/53894481
-- 链接内含: map, struct, array的创建和访问方式
-- 建议建立一个dummy表, 只插入一条数据即可, 便于select操作使用
-- struct类型的任何字段不支持null赋值, 必须给每个字段手动置'', 0.0这种的, 如果实在想用null, 那么需要cast(null as string)
drop table if exists tmp.test_struct_array_struct;
create table `tmp.test_struct_array_struct` (
`field_0` string,
`charge_data` STRUCT<fake_price: double, red_envelope: ARRAY<STRUCT<id: string, price: double>>>
COMMENT '测试结构体-数组嵌套'
ROW FORMAT delimited
fields terminated by '\t';
insert into table tmp.test_struct_array_struct
SELECT '1', NAMED_STRUCT('fake_price', 100.0, 'red_envelope', ARRAY(NAMED_STRUCT('id', 're10', 'price', 10.0), NAMED_STRUCT('id', 're11', 'price', 11.0))) FROM tmp.test_struct_array limit 1;
-- TODO 空ARRAY的时候怎么处理
insert into table tmp.test_struct_array_struct
SELECT '2', NAMED_STRUCT('fake_price', 200.0, 'red_envelope', ARRAY(NAMED_STRUCT('id', '', 'price', 0.0))) FROM tmp.test_struct_array limit 1;
-- TODO 不通过
insert into table tmp.test_struct_array_struct
SELECT '2', NAMED_STRUCT('fake_price', 200.0, 'red_envelope', ARRAY(NAMED_STRUCT())) FROM tmp.test_struct_array limit 1;
drop table if exists tmp.test_struct_array;
create table `tmp.test_struct_array` (
`field_0` string,
`charge_data` ARRAY<STRUCT<id: string, price: double>>
COMMENT '测试结构体-数组嵌套'
ROW FORMAT delimited
fields terminated by '\t';
--- 测试数据(通过)
1 re10:10.0,re11:11.0
2 re2:20.0
-- 提取嵌套结构: INSERT SELECT(通过)
insert into table tmp.test_struct_array
SELECT '1', array(NAMED_STRUCT('id', 're100', 'price', 100.0)) FROM tmp.test_struct_array limit 1;
insert into table tmp.test_struct_array
SELECT '1', charge_data.red_envelope FROM tmp.test_struct_array_struct limit 1;
drop table if exists tmp.test_map;
create table `tmp.test_map` (
`field_0` string,
`charge_data` Map<string, string>
COMMENT '测试map'
ROW FORMAT delimited
fields terminated by '\t';
insert into table tmp.test_map
SELECT '1', map() FROM tmp.test_struct_array_struct limit 1;
drop table if exists tmp.test_array;
create table `tmp.test_array` (
`field_0` string,
`charge_data` ARRAY<string>
COMMENT '测试数组'
ROW FORMAT delimited
fields terminated by '\t';
-- array类型为string时, 空数组通过, 返回[]
insert into table tmp.test_array
SELECT '1', array() FROM tmp.test_struct_array limit 1;
-- 结构体不可以赋值为null或struct()
insert into table tmp.test_struct partition(dt='2018-06-27')
SELECT null FROM tmp.test_struct_array limit 1;
drop table if exists tmp.test_array_map;
create table `tmp.test_array_map` (
`field_0` string,
`charge_data` array<Map<string, string>>
COMMENT '测试array, map嵌套'
ROW FORMAT delimited
fields terminated by '\t';
insert into table tmp.test_array_map
SELECT '1', array(map()) FROM tmp.test_struct_array_struct limit 1;
drop table if exists tmp.test_struct_array_map;
create table `tmp.test_struct_array_map` (
`field_0` string,
`charge_data` STRUCT<fake_price: double, red_envelope: ARRAY<MAP<string, string>>>
COMMENT '测试struct, array, map嵌套'
ROW FORMAT delimited
fields terminated by '\t';
-- 测试不通过
insert into table tmp.test_struct_array_map
SELECT '1', named_struct('fake_price', 100.0, 'red_envelope', array(map())) FROM tmp.test_struct_array_struct limit 1;
insert into table tmp.test_struct_array_map
SELECT '1', NAMED_STRUCT('fake_price', 100.0, 'red_envelope', ARRAY(map('id', 're10', 'price', '10.0'), map('id', 're11', 'price', '11.0'))) FROM tmp.test_struct_array limit 1;
-- 测试通过
select cast(charge_data.red_envelope[0]['price'] as double), cast(charge_data.red_envelope[1]['price'] as double) FROM tmp.test_struct_array_map;

参考链接2: https://blog.csdn.net/sl1992/article/details/53894481
关于struct的讨论文章, 以及为什么不支持null的解释:https://technicaltidbit.blogspot.com/2013/02/hive-struct-tips.html
关于hive嵌套数据结构分隔符问题的解释(总结: 一共内置8级, 仅支持手动覆盖前三级, 默认是从\001到\008):
As answered in: HIVE nested ARRAY in MAP data type, you can only override the first three delimiters in hive, while hive actually supports 8. In nested data structures, for each nesting level, a consequent delimiter is used.
In your hive table, the delimiter between fields in the struct that is inside the address map is \u004 (Unicode 4), and it can't be overridden.
以上是关于text Hive array,map,struct复杂数据结构的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章