text [PHP] PHP Basic



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了text [PHP] PHP Basic相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

# OOP stats for Object Orientet Programming

# Creat a class
class Person{
  # Properties
  # Php has three access modifier (public, privat, protected)
  private $name; 
  private $email;
  # Create a constructor
  public function __construct($name, $email){
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->email = $email;
  # Destruct a class
  public function __destruct(){
  # Getters and setters
  public function getName(){
    return $this->name;
  public function setName($name){
    $this->name = $name;
  public function getEmail(){
    return $this->email;
  public function setEmail($email){
    $this->email = $email;
# The filesystem functions allow you to access an manipulate the filesystem

# basename - return filename
echo basename('/dir/file.php');

# basename - return filename without extension
echo basename('/dir/file.php', '.php');

# dirname - return the direcoryname form path
echo dirname('/dir/file.php');

# file_exists - checks if a file exists
echo file_exists('file.txt');

# realpath - get the absolute path
echo realpath('file.txt');

# is_file - checks to see if file
echo is_file('file.txt');

# is_writable - check if file is writable
echo is_writable('file.txt');

# is_readable - check if file is readable
echo is_readable('file.txt');

# filesize - get the file size
echo filesize('file.txt');

# mkdir - create a directory

# rmdir - delete directory if empty

# copy - copy a file
copy('file.txt', 'file1.txt');

# rename - rename a file
rename('file.txt', 'myfile.txt');

# unlink - delete a file

# file_get_contents - write form file to string
echo file_get_contents('file.txt');

# file_put_contents - write string to file
file_put_contents('file.txt', 'Hello World');

# fopen - create and open file
$handle = fopen('file.txt', 'r');

# fread - read file
fread(fopen('file.txt', 'r'), filesize('file.txt'));

# fwrite -write file
fwrite(fopen('file.txt', 'w'), 'test');

# fclose - close file
fclode(fopen('file.txt', 'r'));
# With shorthands you can shorthand if statment

# Short if statment
$loggedIn = true;
echo ($loggedIn) ? 'You are logged in' : 'You are NOT logged in';

# Short nested if statment
$age = 20;
$score = 10;
echo 'Your score is: '
  .($score > 10 ? 
    ($age > 10 ? 'Average' : 'Exceptional'):($age > 10 ? 'Horrible' : 'Average')
# This are the diffrent fuction for strings

# substr - returns a portion of a string
$output = substr('Hello', 1);
echo $output;
$output2 = substr('Hello', 1, 3);
echo $output2;
$output3 = substr('Hello', -2);
echo $output3;

# strlen - returns the length of a string
$output4 = strlen('Hello World');
echo $output4;

# strpos - finds the position of the first occurence of a sub string
$output5 = strpos('Hello World', 'o');
echo $output5;

# strrpos - finds the position of the last occurence of a sub string
$output6 = strrpos('Hello World', 'o');
echo $output6;

# trim - strips whitespace
$output7 = trim('Hello World           ');
echo $output7;

# strtoupper - makes everything uppercase
$output8 = strtoupper('Hello World!');
echo $output8;

# strtolower - makes everything lowercase
$output9 = strtolower('Hello World!');
echo $output9;

# ucwords - capitalize every word
$output10 = ucwords('hello world');
echo $output10;

# str_replace - replace all occurences of a search string with a replacement
$output11 = str_replace('World', 'Everyone', 'Hello World!');
echo $output11;

# is_string - check if string
$val = 'Hello';
$output12 = is_string($val);
echo $output12;

# gzcompress - compress a string
# gzuncompress - uncompress a conpressed string
$string = 'lasdkjfoewjf sdljewojsflhglksjsedoghsgljrflkjellkjfweoidlkajsfjwj';
$compressed = gzcompress($string);
echo $compressed;
$original = gzuncompress($compressed);
echo $original;
// Superglobals are built-in variables that are always available in all scopes
// There are nine superglobals in php

// $GLOBALS - References all variables available in global scope

// $_SERVER - Server and execution enviroment information

// $_GET - HTTP GET varibales
echo 'Hello ' . htmlspecialchars($_GET["name"]) . '!';

// $_POST - HTTP POST varibales
echo 'Hello ' . htmlspecialchars($_POST["name"]) . '!';

// $_FILE - HTTP File upload variables
$upload = diverse_array($_FILES["upload"]);

// $_COOKIE - HTTP Cookies
echo 'Hello ' . htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE["name"]) . '!';

// $_SESSION - Session varibales
$_SESSION['test'] = 42;
echo $_SESSION['test'];

// $_REQUEST - HTTP Request variables
$_GET['foo'] = 'a';
$_POST['bar'] = 'b';

// $_ENV -  Environment variables
echo 'My username is ' .$_ENV["USER"] . '!';
// The Date function can be used to display dates and times

// To get the current date
echo date('d');

// To get the current month
echo date('m');

// To get the current year
echo date('Y');

// To get the current day of the week
echo date('l');

// To get the current houre
echo date('h');

// To get the current minutes
echo date('i');

// To get the current seconds
echo date('s');

// To get am or pm
echo date('a');

// To set the time zone use the fuction date_default_timezone_set

// To get the current time zone use the function date_dafault_timezone_get
echo date_default_timezone_get();

// To make a Date and Time use the function mktime it takes in six parameter (hour,min,sec,mouth,day,year)
$timestamp = mktime(10, 14, 54, 10, 27, 1994);
echo date('Y/m/d', $timestamp);

// To convert a string in to time use the strtotime function
$timestamp2 = strtotime('7:00pm March 22 2018');
$timestamp3 = strtotime('tommorrow');
$timestamp4 = strtotime('next Sunday');
$timestamp5 = strtotime('+2 Months');

// To convert a timestamp in to a readable date use the date function
echo date('Y/m/d', $timestamp2);
echo date('Y/m/d', $timestamp3);
echo date('Y/m/d', $timestamp4);
echo date('Y/m/d', $timestamp5);
// Comparision are used to compair two values
// Ther are eight types of comparison operators (==, ===, <, >, <= , >=, !=, !==)
// Ther are three types of logical operators (and &&, or ||, xor)

// Equal operator (==)
$num = 5;
if($num == 5){
 echo 'The value num is equals to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num is not equals to 5';

// Identical operator (===)
$num2 = 5;
if($num2 === 5){
 echo 'The value num2 is identical to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num2 is not identical to 5';

// Greater than operator (>)
$num3 = 5;
if($num3 > 5){
 echo 'The value num3 is greater than to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num3 is not greater than to 5';

// Less than operator (<)
$num4 = 5;
if($num4 < 5){
 echo 'The value num4 is less than to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num4 is not less than to 5';

// Greater than or equals operator (>=)
$num5 = 5;
if($num5 >= 5){
 echo 'The value num5 is greater than or equals to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num5 is not greater than or equals to 5';

// Less than or equals operator (<=)
$num6 = 5;
if($num6 <= 5){
 echo 'The value num6 is less than or equals to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num6 is not less or equals than to 5';

// Not equal operator (!=)
$num7 = 5;
if($num7 != 5){
 echo 'The value num7 is not equals to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num7 is  equals to 5';

// Not identical operator (!==)
$num8 = 5;
if($num8 !== 5){
 echo 'The value num8 is not identical to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num8 is  identical to 5';

// And operator (and &&)
$num9 = 5;
if($num9 > 5 and $num9 < 10){
 echo 'The value num9 greater than 5 and than to 10';

// Or operator (or ||)
$num10 = 5;
if($num10 > 5 or $num10 > 10){
 echo 'The value num10 greater than 5 or than to 10';

// Xor operator (xor)
$num10 = 5;
if($num10 > 5 xor $num10 > 10){
 echo 'The value num10 greater than 5 or than to 10';
// Conditsonals are used to test for a value

// If statment
$num = 5;
if($num == 5){
 echo 'The value num is equals to 5';

// If else statment
$num2 = 5;
if($num2 == 5){
 echo 'The value num2 is equals to 5';
  echo 'Tha value num2 is not equals to 5';

//if elseif else statment
$num3 = 5;
if($num3 == 5){
  echo 'The value num3 is equals to 5';
}elseif($num == 6){
  echo 'The value num3 is equals to 6';
  echo 'Tha value num3 is not equals to 5';

// Nesting if
$num4 = 5;
if($num4 > 5){
  if($num4 < 10){
    echo 'The value num4 greater than 5 and than to 10';

// Switch statment
$favColor = 'red';
  case 'red':
    echo 'Your facorite color is red!';
  case 'blue':
    echo 'Your facorite color is blue!';
  case 'green':
    echo 'Your facorite color is green!';
    echo 'Your facorite color is something else';
// A function is a block of code that can be repeatedly called

// Basic function
function simpleFunction(){
  echo 'Hello World';

// Function with Parameters
function sayHello($name){
  echo "Hello $name<br>";

// Function with default value for the Parameter
function sayHello2($name => 'World'){
  echo "Hello $name<br>";

// Return Value
function addNummbers($num1, $num2){
  return $num1 + $num2;
echo addNummber(2,3);

// Passing Arguments by Refrence
$myNum = 10;
function addFive($num){
  $num += 5;
function addTen(&$num){
  $num += 10;
echo "Value $myNum<br>";
echo "Value $myNum<br>";
// Loops execute code set number of times
// There are four types of loops (for, while, do..while, foreach)

// For loop
// For loops have the following parameters (initializer, condition, increment)
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){
  echo $i;
  echo '<br>';

// While loop
// While loops have the following parameters (condition)
$l = 0;
while($l < 10){
  echo $l;
  echo '<br>';

// Do...while loop
// Do...while loops have the following parameters (condition)
$j = 0;
  echo $j;
  echo '<br>';
}while($j < 10);

// Foreach loop
// The foreach loop is used to go thru a array
$ints = array(1,2,3);
foreach($ints as $int){
  echo $int;
  echo '<br>';

$people = array("Raphael" => "test@test.ch", "Maya" => "mail@mail.ch", "Paul" => "paul@dev.com");
foreach($people as $person => $email){
  echo $person .': '.$email;
  echo '<br>';
// An array is a variable that can hold multible values
// There are three types of array (indexed, associative, mulit-demensional)
// Arrays are zero based

// Indexed array
$people = array('Kevin', 'Jeremy', 'Sara');
echo $people[1];

$ids = array(1,2,3);
echo $ids[0];

$cars = ["Honda", "Toyota", "Ford"];
echo $cars[2];

// Adding to a indexed array
$cars[3] = "Chevy";
$cars[] = "BMW";

// Associative array
$people2 = array("Brad" => 35, "Raphael" => 23, "Maya" => 60);
echo $people2["Brand"];

$ids2 = [35 => "Brand", 23 => "Raphael", 60 => "Maya"];
echo $ids2[23];

// Adding to a associative array
$people2["Yannick"] = 21;
echo $people2["Yannick"];

// Multi-dementional array
$cars2 = array(
  array("Honda", 20, 10),
  array("Toyota", 15, 5),
  array("BMW", 25, 0)
echo $cars[1][0];

// To get the nummber of values in a array use the count function
echo count($cars);

// To show the hole array use the print_r function
echo print_r($cars);

// To show the data types of the values in the array use the var_dump function
echo var_dump($cars);
// Constanst cant change
// To create a constans use the define function

define("GREETING", "Hello Everyone");

// To make a constans non case sensitiv add a third parameter to the defind function
define("GREETING2", "Hello Everyone", true);
echo greeting2;
// Variables must have a $ as prefix 
// Variables need to start with a letter or a underscore
// Variables can contain only letters, nummbers and undersores
// Variables are case sensitve

// Variables of the type string are in between ""
$var = "Hello World";
echo $var;

// Variables of the type integer and float did not have a "" around it
$var2 = 2;
echo $var2;

// Variables of the type boolean can be ether true or false
$var3 = false;
echo $var3;

// To concatened two variables use ether a . or "" around it
$var4 = "Hello";
$var5 = "World";
$res = $var4 . $var5;
echo $res
$res2 = "$var4 $var5!";
echo $res2

// To calculate two integer or float variables together use a +,-,*,/ sight
$var6 = 10;
$var7 = 4;
$add = $var6 + $var7;
echo $add;
$sub = $var6 - $var7;
echo $sub;
$mul = $var6 * $var7;
echo $mul;
$dev = $var6 / $var7;
echo $dev;

// To echo out a special character add a \ before the character
echo 'They\'re Here'
//Ther are two ways to print out content in PHP
echo "Hello World";
print "Hello World";
$string = "Hello World!"; //String
$int = 1; //Integer
$float = 1.2; //Float
$booleant = true; //Booleant
$array = [1,2,3]; //Array
$object = new Object(); //Object
$null = null; //NULL
// This is a Singleline comment
# This is a Singelline comment
/* This is a Multiline comment */

以上是关于text [PHP] PHP Basic的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

PHP 模拟 HTTP 基本认证(Basic Authentication)

如何从php服务器端向像Android这样的Visual Basic客户端发送通知

PHP Digest/Basic Auth 默认窗口外观

Nginx - 密码保护 PHP 脚本

使用 HTTP-Basic 身份验证发出 HTTP GET 请求
