text 来自http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/general-scripting/apply-a-state-for-every-camera-in-



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了text 来自http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/general-scripting/apply-a-state-for-every-camera-in-相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
	objTMData = attributes objData
		local objTMS = for o in objects collect DataPair o o.transform 
		fn setObjTM arr = 
			for i in 1 to arr.count where isValidNode arr[i].v1 do 
				arr[i].v1.transform = arr[i].v2
rollout bgaRoll "• • •"
	fn collectStates = (for s in 1 to sceneStateMgr.GetCount() collect sceneStateMgr.GetSceneState s)
	fn collectCameras ddl lb = if (cams = for c in cameras where not isKindof c TargetObject collect c).count != 0 do
		local states = collectStates(), stCamList = #(), avCamList = #()
		for c in cams do
			userProp = getUserPropBuffer c
			if userProp == "" then append avCamList c.name else
				if findItem states userProp != 0 then append stCamList c.name else
					setUserPropBuffer c "" ; append avCamList c.name
		ddl.items = avCamList ; lb.items = stCamList
	dropDownList ddl1 "Scene States:" width:190 pos:[5,5]
	dropDownList ddl2 "Available Cameras:" width:190 pos:[5,45]
	button btn1 "Set State To Camera" width:110 height:20 pos:[5,86]
	button btn2 "Refresh All" width:78 height:20 pos:[117,86]
	listbox lbox "State Cameras:" width:190 height:15 pos:[5,110]
	fn init = 
		local d = FreeCamera()
		custAttributes.add d objTMData
		bgaRoll.ddl1.items = collectStates() 
		collectCameras bgaRoll.ddl2 bgaRoll.lbox
	on bgaRoll open do init()
	on btn2 pressed do 
		ca = custAttributes.get d objTMData
		ca.setObjTM ca.objTMS
	on btn1 pressed do 
		if bgaRoll.ddl1.items.count != 0 and bgaRoll.ddl2.items.count != 0 do
			if (cam = getNodeByName bgaRoll.ddl2.selected) != undefined do
				setUserPropBuffer cam bgaRoll.ddl1.selected
				bgaRoll.lbox.items = append bgaRoll.lbox.items bgaRoll.ddl2.selected
				bgaRoll.ddl2.items = deleteitem bgaRoll.ddl2.items bgaRoll.ddl2.selection
	on lbox selected itm do 
		if isValidNode (c = (getNodeByName bgaRoll.lbox.selected)) then select c else init()
	on lbox doubleClicked itm do 
		if isValidNode (c = (getNodeByName bgaRoll.lbox.selected)) then 
			if sceneStateMgr.FindSceneState (st = getUserPropBuffer c) != 0 do
				sceneStateMgr.RestoreAllParts st
				viewport.setCamera c
		) else init()
createDialog bgaRoll 200 330 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

以上是关于text 来自http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/general-scripting/apply-a-state-for-every-camera-in-的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

text 来自ip的Wget

text 来自apto列表的回复

text 来自Adam的测试片段

text BM1682支持来自Caffe算子

text 来自cli的mysql查询

text 来自p1的isJson