* Simulation: Broken or Fixed Effects?
set matsize 5000
clear all
global graph_opts ///
title(, justification(left) color(black) span pos(11)) ///
graphregion(color(white) lc(white) lw(med) la(center)) /// <- Delete la(center) for version < 15
ylab(,angle(0) nogrid) xtit(,placement(left) justification(left)) ///
yscale(noline) xscale(noline) legend(region(lc(none) fc(none)))
* Run a simulation
foreach sampleSize of numlist 1 2 3 4 {
qui forvalues iteration = 1/50 {
* Create data
// Need an empty dataset
local nuids = 10^`sampleSize'
// Number of units
set obs `nuids'
// Create units
gen fe = rnormal()
// Gen fixed effects
gen uid = _n
// Gen unit IDs
expand 10
// Create panel structure
bys uid: gen period = _n
// Time structure
gen x_vary = rnormal() + fe
// Time-variant characteristics correlated with FEs
gen y = x_vary + fe + rnormal()
// True DGP includes correlated X's and FE's – violates RE assumption
* Run a regression
xtset uid
// Prep for [xtreg]
xtreg y x_vary
// The biased regression
local err_re = abs(1-_b[x_vary])
// Store the error
xtreg y x_vary , fe
// The unbiased regression
local err_fe = abs(1-_b[x_vary])
// Store the error
mat results = /// All data to matrix
nullmat(results) \ [`err_re',`err_fe',`nuids']
* Visualize the simulation
svmat results
tw ///
(lpolyci results1 results3 , lw(thick)) ///
(lpolyci results2 results3 , lw(thick)) ///
, ${graph_opts} ///
xscale(log) xlab(10 100 1000 10000) ///
xtitle("Observations{&rarr}") ///
ytitle(" ") yline(0 , lw(thin)) ///
legend(c(1) ring(0) pos(3) ///
order(0 "Average Error:" 2 "Random Effects" 4 "Fixed Effects"))
* Have a lovely day!