steps required to set up codeigniter project.
1) Download the latest codeigniter project from the official codeigniter website.
2) connet your host with the help of ftp into php storm for the ease of doing things
3) now we have to add some files to make the codeigniter give us proper response this
is not mandatery forevery project but this will produce output in a certain JSON format
Files to be added after downloading the zip and extracting the folder.
a) /b_ci/application (in application folder you have to do some changes)
b) /b_ci/application/config/database.php - go to this folder and configure your datbase
here so that codeigniter connects with your external database.
c) go to Controller folder add a file called as Home.php - refer below file for reference.
d) go to libraries folder - add Format.php & REST_Controller.php files into that directory.
e) Now go to models folder - add Review_model.php folder into it and refer below review_model file
f) now go to language folder and inside that go to english folder and create rest_controller_lang.php
file so there will be some language properties.