# Create a new empty repository in GitHub (without readme or licesne. empty!)
# then copy down your bitbucket repo. --mirror helps you get everything.
git clone --mirror https://bitbucket.org/exampleuser/repository-to-mirror.git
cd repository-to-mirror/
# update the URL used as the remote
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:User/UserRepo.git
# push everything up to the new github repo
git push --mirror
# go to github.com and make sure your new repo has everything
# optional: migrate any issues from bitbucket to github?
# dunno how to do this programatically :(
# maybe this: https://github.com/jeffwidman/bitbucket-issue-migration
# optional: migrate a wiki?
# clone the bitbucket wiki next to the main repo
cd ../
git clone git@bitbucket.org:dylan_k/poems.git/wiki wiki1
# on github site, setup a new, blank wikie
# Clone the (new, blank, github) wiki locally
$ git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_REPOSITORY.wiki.git wiki2
#locally, copy everything from wiki1 to wiki2
#push wiki2
# remove wiki1
#rename wiki2 to be just wiki
# on the bitbucket website, delete the old bitbucket repo and give a link to the new github one.